Its like a new life. (1)

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I switched up the title 😇

I cried as I seen him walk down the aisle. The pieces all fell down, but glue held them up. I'm thinking about our past relationship and how we've grown so much.

He's always been on the lookout for me. I would've never gotten better if it wasn't for him. I would've probably been sitting in a mental ward crying my eyes out if it wasn't for him. It's been 4 years since we wee younger and he met with with ex boyfriend and since everything fell apart.

He reached my side of the garden and everybody whispered and smiled. I wiped my tears and seen my mom and his mom come in together.

The pastor we hired said everything he would need to say, then saying our vows, he decided to keep them short. We didn't want a long extra wedding. So I'd say mine first.

" Jacob, through thick & thin
You have been by my side.
Through rain and shine I promise to be by yours.

I want us to grow together more than partners, more like best friends and soul mates. Because I knew the day you stepped in my home, you were the one."

He planted a smile on his face and looked at me.

" Oh chresanto, your my baby and I'll always love you. I want to be more connected in your life. You helped me grow in so many ways I wouldn't count. You gave me the best life I could ever have, I plan on spending and giving it to you."

" You may kiss your fiancé."

I bit my lip and pulled him closer wrapped my arms around his waist I then connected our lips and kissed him, the kiss of your marriage , the kiss I would never ever want him to forget

We herd cheers in the background and I felt his arms around my neck as I got a little more of his lips until he pulled apart " Dam baby!"

" Just a little more."

I leaned back in and kissed him some more before I pulled apart. " This is my husband!"

He gave me the most loving, tightest, caring hug he had ever given me. It was like this wedding was made to pour our emotions out. To just hope we can live long enough together.

We walked off and people followed us to our after party.


He stood with the cake cutter in his hand and I walked up behind him grabbing his hand as we cut the cake together.

I hurried and got a finger of icing and rubbed it all over his nose. " woowww!"

He then smeared some on my lips " Icy lips "

" Yeah but you still wanna kiss em' "

I laughed and licked it all up,
" Chres save that more the bed room."

I sucked my lips in and opened my eyes " Imma-"

I was cut off by the sound of music. " Cha Cha slide!"

I shouted and grabbed Jacob hand and bring him to the dance floor " The what!?"

" Popular in the black community."

I showed him the moves and seen my mom showing his mom how to do it.

" Killem' mom and mama in Law"

Me and Jacob waved at them.
" Boy you got icing on your nose!"

His mom yelled " It's your son in low fault!"

" What?! He's lying!"

I laughed and continued to dance, everything was/is going perfectly!

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