29th Chapter

617 36 2

Apartment 403

Hafiy datang membawa bersama fail yang diberi oleh Mia.

"Where did you get all this information?" soal Henry bila dia melihat maklumat di dalam fail itu. Mereka kini duduk di ruang tamu.

"Who else? My wife of course." Kata Hafiy tanpa sedar dia tersenyum bangga.

Henry buat rolled eye.

"You should be grateful that I set you guys up for meeting or you can never dream of knowing her. If I can turn back time, instead of sending you here, I'll come here myself. Then your place right now would be mine." Kata Henry dan Hafiy ketawa sinis.

"Even if you come here instead of me, Mia won't choose you." Kata Hafiy dan dia tersenyum sambil menepuk bahu Henry.

"So stop dreaming about useless thing." Kali ini senyuman Hafiy bertukar creepy, memberi amaran.

Tawa Henry meletus.

"What happen to 'keep your enemy closer' mindset? You treat her like enemy before but now you look like someone who will jump over the cliff if it's his wife's wish." Henry menanti jawapan Hafiy.

Hafiy angkat bahu. "Things happen."

Jujurnya, aku pun tak tahu. I just...like her. Hafiy senyum segarit bila dia teringatkan Mia.

"Anyway, enough about that, look here. No wonder Taylor arrive so fast after she get your call." Hafiy menunjuk ke arah rekod flight Taylor. Rupanya Taylor sudahpun berada di Malaysia dua hari sebelum kejadian berlaku.

"She lied to me then." Kata Henry sebab menurut Taylor, dia membeli tiket ke Malaysia sebaik mendapat panggilan daripada Henry.

"But the reason she came here early is unclear. We can't ask her or it will revealed that we are searching about her." kata Hafiy.

"Then we can only play along with her." Henry bersandar pada sofa. Hafiy mengangguk setuju.

Matanya meneliti maklumat Taylor. Dari pendidikan Taylor, sejarah kesihatannya dan juga sejarah keluarga.

Eh? Satu maklumat buat Hafiy terkejut.

Aku tak tahu pula. Aku ingat dia anak tunggal. Desis Hafiy.

"Oh I just remember. What happen to the attacker?" soal Henry bila dia teringat tentang pelaku yang menyerang Mia.

"Mia had confirm that the guy is related to our case. It's true that there is someone chasing us here and know about the murder. I don't know if it's revenge or other motive but Mia said, she will take care of it." cerita Hafiy.

"Taylor should never know about this I guess." Kata-kata Henry disambut dengan anggukan dari Hafiy.

"Yup. We will hide this and just share general information with her. While waiting for the police, we need to focus on keeping Taylor out from this."

"Police? Are you sure? We are currently labelled as criminal on the run." Henry tak percaya Hafiy libatkan polis tempatan dengan kes ini.

"Don't worry. They are trustable enough." Hafiy memberi jaminan pada Henry.

"How would you know?" Henry masih tak yakin.

"Because my wife said so."

"You really head over heel for her huh?"

"That's not the main point here but she had previously work with them, so let's just trust her for that. Anyway..."

Dan mereka sambung berbincang dan mencari maklumat untuk cantumkan kepingan puzzle yang tak tahu di mana puncanya. Menurut Mia, Luqman telah bersetuju untuk memberi kerjasama dalam siasatan ini. Luqman kini dijadikan spy yang akan mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan seorang lelaki yang dipanggil 'sir' kerana arahan untuk menyerang Mia datang daripada 'sir'. Seorang detektif sudahpun ditugaskan untuk mengekori Luqman dan akan segera bertindak melindungi Luqman sekiranya terjadi sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini.

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