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This was reality.
And reality hurt.
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AN EXPLOSION WENT OFF making the huge creature fumble.The group stood on the second floor of the mall, all had multiple fireworks next to them as well as lighters.
"Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas yelled before launching a firework right into its mouth making it stumble. Multiple fireworks were launched at the creature. Different colors sparked every where as the fireworks blew up.
The Mind Flayer roared in pain as the fire works continued to hit its body. "Hey, asshole! Over here!" Steve yelled before him and Jayden launched two fireworks at it. The siblings high fived before grabbing another firework each.
Jayden could see from where she stood that Billy stood over Eleven flinching now and then as the Mind Flayer was being hurt. But there was no Max or Mike anywhere.
The screeching filled everyones ears as the colorful bombs filled their sight. It was loud and blinding whenever anyone looked up.
"Come on! Die you son of a bitch!" Jayden yelled as she threw another firework, with her good arm of course, hitting it straight in the head. "Dustin! We're out of time!" Steve yelled into the walkie.
Jayden looked out at the Mind Flayer as the fireworks exploded and it seemed as if time went slow. The colors sparked with beautiful bright colors, the sound was muffled as the brunette got lost in the colors.
Which made her wonder.
How could something that is so horrid, be so beautiful?
"We're out!" Nancy yelled which snapped her out of the trance.
Nancy grabbed the last fireworks from the box "Hit me." she turned to Jonathan holding out the firework which he lit.
The young adult turned and launched it at the huge monster creating one last colorful pop before the beautiful rainbow explosions stopped letting everyone know that both sides had ran out.