One shall rise

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Optimus looked up to the sky "why is the blood on Unicron erupting from beneath the earth?" Optimus asked "a question Optimus you shall take to your grave!" Megatron stated. Just then the group bridge opened and E brake came out of it kicking the Decepticon away from the prime.

Arcee and Ratchet followed suit "quickly we must pull him through." Ratchet stated. E brake was punched back causing him to slide across the battlefield. E brake then connected two handles together as two blades came out of each end.

"Thank you High end." E brake said to himself. He went to move and attack but heard Arcee "E! Now!" E brake then quickly slashed Megatron's faceplate then started running towards the ground bridge with Megatron following behind.

E brake then jumped through as the ground bridge closed but not before a furious Megatron fired at the mech center which had contact with the mech. Megatron then snarled and wiped his faceplate seeing the dark energon on his digit.

"This is merely the beginning! I possess enough dark energon to revive unicorn himself!" Megatron said then started laughing maniacally "YES!" He shouted.

Autobot base

Ratchet and bulkhead walked through the groundbridge carrying Optimus "easy Optimus, from the looks of things you've been exposed to a mass amount of energon." Ratchet stated. Optimus looked at Raf "I am not the only one." He said before being propped down.

Optimus looked to Raf "hey." Raf said "he's lucky to be alive." Jack's mother stated. Jack and Miko walked down the staircase "Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" He asked.

"Yep, a volcano full to be exact." Ebrake said clutching his right side of his midsection plating going unnoticed "the question is how?" Bulkhead added "no, the question is what, what is the blood of Unicron doing on earth." Ratchet corrected.

"The cons called a unicorn?" Miko asked getting questionable looks "white horse with a horn and prances around all sparkly." Miko said "no Unicron, an ancient evil whos blood fossilized and the very thing we call dark energon, or so leg and would have it." Ratchet stated.

"So this Unicron is the boogeyman." Jack mother asked "what in Primus name is the boogeyman?" E brake asked "make belief creepy guy who hides in your closet." Miko said "no Unicron is very real or was nurse Darby." E brake said.

"That is....well I do believe he existed, I just don't describe to the theory that his primordial life force is the very thing that harm Raf." Ratchet stated. Nurse Darby shook her head "I've heard enough, Jack help me get Raf to the car." Nurse Darby stated.

*wait what?* bumblebee beeped "I thought Raf was doing better?" Jack questioned "Raf needs to examined by real doctors." Nurse Darby stated "Raf's family also needs to know what happened." She added "his real family." She then said looking at the autobots.

Dynamo looked to E brake seeing his best friends temper flair then noticed his midsection had being shot as a hole was now there with E brake losing energon
"Mom Raf's family can't protect him, not like they can." Jack stated.

E brake then walked to nurse Darby's car and squatted down "nurse Darby it was never Optimus's intention to put them in harms way, he thought it'd be best for them if they were under our protection." E brake said.

"E your leaking energon." Arcee said worryingly "this isn't about me at the moment cee." E brake barked back "E brake I assume, they are children they do not belong in your world." Nurse Darby said face close to his faceplate.

"Is true as that is, the moment life was established on this planet they were brought into it." E brake said "E brake what are you talking about?" High end asked. E brake looked  at his comrades "you all aren't thinking straight, all it took for me was seeing that volcano." E brake stated.

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