Chapter 28

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The morning they woke up was a tiring experience. Spencer and daryl lay awake in the small makeshift bed even as the birds started chirping. Spencers eyes had long since dried, but even so daryl never stopped carding a hand. Through his hair. "Spence, im gonna go out and look for Shane today. Needs to be done." He said quietly. Spencer shook his head. "No, you dont need to do anything. You can just stay her. It's not safe for you to do that." Spencer explained. Sitting up in bed only to be pulled back down by daryl. "It ain't safe anywhere, and with that prick still out there you and Henry are in even more danger." Daryl said. Spencer sighed. "You better not go out there alone. You understand?" He asked. Daryl smiled slightly. "You got it." He said. The two appreciated the silence for a bit longer.

Slowly spencer pulled himself out of bed. Lightly swatting at daryls grabbing hands. "Trust me I'd stay in bed with you all day if i could but I have a little boy to take care of." He explained, pulling a pair of pants on over his hips. Daryl stood up after him. "C'mon. Just a little longer? We could both use the sleep." Daryl said. Spencer rewarded the man with a small smile before placing a kiss on the his lips. "You and i both know the rest of the camp could use it too. Besides, I could hear your stomach growling while you where holding me." Spencer teased. Daryl looked aghast. "No you didnt." He stated. Spencer threw a shirt at him. "Yes i did." He replied. The two smiled at eachother. The air was still thick with loss but they where ok. They had to be.

The two stepped out of the tent slowly. Not feeling the need to rush. "Looks like some eggs and tomatoes for breakfast." Daryl said. Nudging spencer in the side. "Sounds good. Maybe itll taste like an omelet." Spencer said. Daryl snorted. "You look like the type to enjoy a fancy breakfast." He said. Spencer gave the man a fake shocked look. "And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked. Daryl smiled at him. "Nothing bad. You just look like you eat fancy." He said. "If by fancy you mean copious ammounts of cold coffee and granola bars than absolutely." He replied. Daryl nudged him again.

"That explains it." Daryl said. Strutting forward slightly. Spencer gazed at the man curiously as the two of them approached the camp. "Explains what?" He questioned. Daryl looked back slightly with an evil smirk. "Why your so damn skinny." Daryl teased. Spencer glared. "i am not!" He exclaimed. Catching up with daryl as the man laughed. "You are an asshole, you now that?" Spence asked. Mirth dancing in his eyes. "I'm your asshole and dont you forget it." He stated. Spencer grinned at him. "Dont worry, i wont." He said back. The two then turned to the small group already in the clearing. Morgan sat at the table with Garcia. Both looked tired as they stared into their eggs. Carol and Lori where sat around the fire prepare it just enough food. And Henry was sat in in a large box playing with some toys. Spencer put a gentle hand on the mans shoulder before walking over to Henry and scooping the little guy up into his arms.

"Hey sweetie. You have fun with Lori?" He asked gently. Henrys babbles was his response. "You know its been a while since rick or I have had any baby's to look after. He was real mellow." Lori said. She could be annoying but she had her moments. "Thank you for watching him for the night." He said. "It was the least i could do. Here's some eggs. Fresh of the fire." She said. Handing the man a plate. Spencer took it gingerly and set Henry back down into the box. Slowly he sat down next to Morgan and gazed at the two at the table. "You sleep well?" He asked the genius. "No. You?" Spencer returned. "Nope." Morgan replied. Garcia stayed sullenly quiet. "What are the plans for today?" Morgan asked. The silence too much. Spencer shrugged. "Daryls planning on going out to look for Shane. Was hoping someone here would go with him." He said. Morgan nodded. "That's not a bad idea. He poses a threat to the camp. He's dangerous." Morgan said. Spencer nodded. He looked back to Henry. "I don't want him to leave. But i know it'll keep Henry safe. That's all i want. For us to be safe. All of us." He said. Morgan nodded. "Dont worry. Ill go with him and find the asshole." He said. Spencer smiled at the man he considered a brother.


Later in the day he and Henry stood. Watching as Morgan and daryl left the farm and went out into the forest. Something in his heart ached as he watched them leave.

Daryl and morgan entered the forest and eyed the trees beyond them. "So where do you think an asshole like him would go?" Daryl asked. Morgan shrugged. "I dont know, aren't you the tracker?" Morgan asked jokingly. Daryl rolled his eyes. "Ain't you the investigator?" He shot back. "Touché." Morgan responded. "Let's see, their are a whole lot of building around here. But he's not stupid enough to camp out in one. He has one gun with a few bullets so he's gonna wanna find somewhere safe. Probably up in a tree somewhere, or in a cave." Morgan explained. Daryl nodded. "We could just start walking in the same direction he ran. We're bound to fin something. Maybe some blood." Daryl said. Morgan nodded. The two where so unlike each other. Different to a fault. But on the same level they understood each other. This son of a bitch was going to die.

They kept moving. "So hat draws you to spencer?" Morgan asked. Daryl shrugged. "What doesn't draw me to him?" He replied. Morgan couldn't stop a small chuckle. "Good point. A lot of people really like him. But just so you know. You do anything to hurt him and I will shoot you where you stand." He said. A fiery glint in his eyes. Daryl nodded as he glanced around. "You really care about him dont ya?" He asked the man. "Of course. He's like a brother to me." He said. Daryl nodded again. "I'm gonna protect him. No matter what. I promise." He said. Then something fought his eye and he all but upped off his horse. "Found something. Down here." He said,, pointing to a dry patch of blood setting at the base of a tree trunk on some foliage. Morgan also stepped down off his horse to take a look. "You think thats his?" He asked the hunter. "Wouldn't bet money on it, but it wouldn't hurt to take a look." He said. Morgan nodded. The two got back onto their horses and continued down the path.

"So what exactly am I looking for?" Morgan asked the other man. "Broken branches, more blood, squished grass. Any of that shit." Daryl said. Morgan nodded and he glanced to the ground. "Maybe we should tie the horses up for a second while we scout ahead. They might trample the clues." Morgan stated. Daryl nodded and the two dismounted again. Morgan tied the horses up and the two continued walking ahead toward a small cliff side with water down in it. Then a shot rang out. Daryl tumbled down the side of the ravine and morgan quickly aimed toward the source of the shot. Shanes figure running off out of into the distance.

"Daryl... daryl!" Morgan yelled. His gun still aimed toward Shane. When he didnt get a response he ran off in the direction of Shane. Cursing all the way.


I was thinking that after this story line i could maybe do some time skipping in the form of longer chapters to recap the important parts of the next few seasons. I use really want to catch up to the series and get to the negan arch faster.

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