Chapter 18 - "So, I think I'll pass."

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October had passed by slowly in Polaris' opinion, and it was soon November, and it was time for her first ever quidditch match. In the days leading up to it the Slytherins had been attacking the Gryffindor team - except for her, of course, which she was thankful for. Most of the team were being taunted as well, which she had also managed to avoid to her relief.

Though that was mainly because Draco and his friends were doing the taunting.

On the morning of the match Polaris woke up to a note from Amias giving her a good luck message for her first match. After she read it, she headed to get breakfast in the great hall and as she did she found that Atticus had found her in the entrance hall. "So, it's your first game." Atticus mused to her. "You nervous?"

"Not at all." Polaris shook her head. "The Gryffindor's always beat the Slytherin's. So, I have nothing to worry about." Then she spotted something on his robe and it was a charmed badge. She narrowed her eyes at it 'Weasley is our King'.

"Why exactly is Weasley your King?" She asked him.

"Oh, Draco made them." Atticus pointed out to her. "Everyone knows that Ron Weasley being a Keeper is only going to let Slytherin win because he's lousy - always dropping things." Polaris simply looked him. "But, of course, it has nothing to do with your skill. It's just...Ron Weasley is going to make your team fail!" He rummaged around in his pocket. "I can give you one if you want." He held it out to her.

Polaris eyed it carefully. "Mocking my own teammate and his skill is poor sportsmanship, Atty." Polaris informed him. "So, I think I'll pass."

"Suit yourself." He shrugged as they reached the great hall. "Good luck, Laris." He ruffled her hair up, before he departed over to the Slytherin table, as she headed for the Gryffindor table, and she joined Alicia and Angelina.

"You nervous?" Alicia asked her.

"Surprisingly, no." Polaris replied.

Angelina leant close to her. "Do you know whether we're gonna win or not?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

Polaris side eyed her as she took a drink from her goblet. "You know that even if I did know that I wouldn't tell you." Polaris replied lazily, before she reached for some porridge. "I'm not really supposed to share the future with people when I see it." She ate a spoonful of it, as Angelina went back to her own breakfast. They ate in silence, and once they had finished their breakfast they headed for the pitch, as they said goodbye to Alicia.

When the rest of the team arrived both Polaris and Angelina was already dressed, and Polaris was sat off to the side as she began to charm her hair to not move until the match was over since she had left her hair tie's back at the castle. Once everyone was dressed they all sat around and Angelina began to talk to them, as everyone began to arrive outside.

"Okay, I've only just found out the final line-up for Slytherin." Angelina announced to them all as she held a piece of parchment. "Last year's beaters, Derrick and Bole, have left, but it looks as though Montague's replaced them with the usual gorillas, rather than anyone who can fly particularly well. They're two blokes called Crabbe and Goyle, I don't know much about them-"

"We do." Harry and Ron cut her off at the same time.

"Well, they don't look bright enough to tell one end of a broom from the other." Angelina spoke as she pocketed the parchment. "But then I was always surprised Derrick and Bole managed to find their way on to the pitch without signposts."

"Crabbe and Goyle are in the same mould." Harry assured her.

They all became aware of the growing sound from outside signalling that more and more people were arriving to watch the first match of the year - the Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Polaris was sat down staring into space in thought when Angelina came back to inform them all that it was time - they were to get to the pitch. They all stood, grabbed their brooms, and headed on out to the pitch. As they were she could hear yells and hoots, but she also heard the distant sound of singing and she just knew Slytherin were responsible.

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