Chapter 4 - "I'm not ok! But, i will be!"

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The Malfoy, Fawley and Shafiq's were all happily chatting, though it was pretty obvious that everyone was extremely tired. After all, they had quite a busy day today, however, out of all of those inside the tent, as Lucius, Aegon, Aemon and Daemon were all out visiting old friends, Polaris was the first to announce she was going to bed. "Right, I'm going to bed! I'm terribly tired!" She announced and made her way to her bedroom.

Once in her bedroom, she slipped her clothes off and pulled on her night dress, leaving her wand on the bedside table near her bed and slipped into bed. She closed her eyes and, slowly, she found herself drifting to sleep. And soon, she found herself in a deep sleep.

She was standing before Lucius, Aegon, Aemon and Daemon, who were all standing with each other, with either their famous sneers or smirks on their faces. "For the Greater Good" her father spoke out, but it didn't sound like Lucius Malfoy at all. It didn't sound like anyone she had ever met.

Suddenly, her father and her uncles weren't dressed in their clothes, but they had black robes on, with great big hoods and a silver mask of kinds. She remembered seeing this mask in the Manor, and they all raised their wands and they were all smirking wickedly. She didn't know how she knew they were smirking under their masks, but she did.

She felt the presence of someone else, so she spun round and she saw a muggle, she could tell it was muggle, she didn't know how, she just did. The muggle was just standing there, and suddenly he was raised up in the air and spells were fired at him, making him make grotesque shapes out of his body in the air.

She watched as her father and uncles cackled in humour of what they were doing to the muggle. The muggle screamed in terror and fear and she stood there, just watching her father and uncles do this to the muggle. "But, the muggle didn't do anything!" She whispered to herself in wonder and confusion. "Why would Father and Uncles use magic against him?"

All of a sudden, she was surrounded by several tents, she recognised it, it was where all the wizards and witches were staying after the Quidditch World Cup. Though, it was very different. Tents were crumpled to the ground and on fire, there was smoke in the air. She watched as people appeared out of thin air around her and raced in all directions. Though, all of them had a destination in mind: The Forest.

'Muggles are those who attacked us!'

'We are the victims when it comes to these attacks, muggles like to kill us for sport!'

'Muggles will harms us at any chance they have, and Muggle-borns can't be trusted! They'll tell the muggles how to kill and destroy us!'

'They've burnt our ancestors, they've hung our ancestors, they've executed our ancestors and they've drown our ancestors! They'll do exactly the same to us!'

All those comments floated around in her mind. Things her parents had told and taught her since she was a mere infant, but her father and uncles had just attacked a muggle that did nothing to them.

Polaris awoke with a gasp and shot up in her bed. It was just a dream, of course it was, no way would her father and uncles attack harmless and innocent muggles. Sure, they may hate muggles, but they wouldn't. They were better than that, they weren't complete dicks.

She slid out of her bed and guessed she needed some air, to clear her mind. She pulled on her dressing gown, which luckily came down to her ankles and trailed along the floor as she walked. She walked out of the tent, leaving her family behind fast asleep. She walked along the cold grass barefooted, it was a pleasant feeling.

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