Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by! This is my first Star Wars fan-fic so please be kind. I will take constructive criticism and logistics corrections. Please enjoy.

Chapter One

"Inferno One, are you ready for touch down on Kamino?" The pilot turned in her seat to look at her commander, the woman absentmindedly staring out at the stars littered in the galaxy.

Her hands were resting behind her back, turning on her heels to sit in her seat as she nodded her black and red helmet once. The seat belt was fastened around her chest, feeling the Corvus rock as it entered the atmosphere of Kamino. They landed on one of the three mountains left on the almost entirely wet planet.

Commander Adair stood, her two teammates standing in unison after her. The Imperial Inferno Squad was very small and exclusive, most stormtroopers dreaming of climbing the ranks to this specialized unit. After Iden Versio had defected, Briar Adair had answered the call. She completely gutted the unit, removing the remaining squad mates to choose her own.

To her left was Alexis Cert, her closest friend through all of the hardships the Empire offered. To her right was Lucius Mertle, she had only picked him because of his impressive handles with a sniper blaster. She didn't know him personally, nor did she want to. Lucius was professional and clean cut- just the way Briar liked it.

"Alright, this mission is simple: Take out the rebellion unit making a headache for the Empire. Leave no survivors. I don't need a disgusting Rebel on my ship. Do you both understand?" Briar watched as both red and black helmets rose and fell in sync, turning on her heels as the drop ramp extended towards the marsh land. They had come in the cover of night, their scarlet eye holes on the helmets offering night-vision.

Briar's black and red uniform was covered in sticky mud ten steps onto the planet, her boots attempting to stay right where they were in the thick mud. Her thighs ached as she continued to heave herself towards the mountain, rain assaulting the squadron as they silently moved through the marsh. Well, the rain was pretty loud, they didn't have to be TOO quiet. She held the heavy repeater at the ready, the barrel pointed out in front as her team followed her, looking out for any sign of danger. Lucius was in the back with his sniper blaster, checking through his scope every few minutes for any movement ahead of the squad.

"Alright, the signals were intercepted and located in that cove. Remember: No Survivors." As the team inched forward, rain battering their helmets and distorting their hearing, they missed the early warning signs of the enemy locating them. They didn't hear the shouting or see the running, nor did they notice the blaster pistols pointed directly at them.

The first shot fired by the Rebel Unit hit a tree just a hair length from Commander Adair's left shoulder, her body launching to the right to find cover. Shots rang out after them as they scrambled to hide behind a wide enough tree to shield their bodies. Her heart was hammering as she swept her body behind a tree and peered around, narrowly missing a bolt of plasma as she pulled her head back.

"Is everyone alright?" Briar asked into her comms, waiting for both members to respond before she assessed their situation further. They were outnumbered, but that really wasn't to their disadvantage. Fear was a very powerful tool. One that the Empire had capitalized on since their inception.

"Alright, Mertle, you use those special skills of yours. Cert and I will move in and take them out at closer range."

"Copy, Inferno One."

"Copy, Inferno One."

Briar heard Lucius fire his first shot, the sound heavy and lethal as a bolt of plasma struck a Rebel peeking out from a formation of rocks just outside the opening of the cove. The Commander willed her boots forward, the mud wanting so badly to hold onto them. She neared another tree as Lucius took out two more Rebels blocking their entrance into the cove. Alexis snuck up behind her commander, placing her left hand on Briar's right shoulder to show her superior that she was right behind her. The two inched forward, their bodies moving as one. Alexis' gun was pointed at the ready directly to the side of Briar, their formation a deadly end to any Rebel that dared attack them. Lucius took out another pathetic Rebel directly to the pair's left, his body falling as the flesh of his head burned.

The two made it into the cove, the heavy rain ceasing as they moved as one towards their ultimate goal. Briar saw the female Rebel shoot out from her hiding place before Alexis did, firing a single shot to pierce through the woman's brain. She fell back with a thud as the pair heard the distant shouts of more Rebels.

"They're here! How did they find us?!"

"Inferno One, I'm going to stay out here and take out anyone who attempts to attack from behind."

"Heard, Mertle." Briar stated into her comms, rounding the corner with Alexis's body still pressed flush against her backside. The cave was lit by torches, the yellow light falling short of covering the entire opening of the walkway. A Rebel popped out from the darkness, Alexis' heavy repeater taking him out before Briar could even react. The pair knew the bulk of the crowd would be in the communications area of the cave. The Rebels wanted to protect their only communication to the other planets, the Inferno Squad was there to erase them and their access to any Rebel material.

Two more Rebel's rounded a corner, shouting at each other as the Imperial troopers moved silently towards them. They had no idea the enemy was so near. One quick blast from both troopers ended their sad little lives. I mean, come on, they were hiding in a cave trying to populate Imperial propaganda. They were bound to be caught.

Briar knew they were getting close, she could hear the Rebels yelling at each other to 'get ready' for the enemy's arrival. Briar reached down and opened a small pouch on her hip, pulling out a black cannister. The pair stopped, Alexis turning to her left to look at her commander as they were just shy of reaching a corner. Around that corner would be a massive amount of Rebel fighters, Briar needed to up their odds of surviving this attack. She nodded at Alexis who in turn nodded back, showing the other that they were indeed ready for the ensuing battle.

Alexis pressed her front more into Briar's back to offer her more stabilization as the pair pivoted around the corner as one, Briar's hand shooting out and throwing the black cannister into the middle of the large area. Rebels screamed as smoke reduced their visibility, straining their eyes to locate the black-clad troopers. Both heavy blasters started to fire simultaneously as the troopers began to take out any Rebel they could see in the area. Briar's eyes would land on one, fire, then move onto the next. She didn't care that she was taking lives. This is what she was made to do.

The firing only stopped once no sign of life could be found by either of the troopers, both looking around the desks and filing cabinets for any remaining Rebel. One was found, wedged between a filing cabinet and a wall, shaking and crying. Briar stopped as Alexis pulled her body away from her commander to look for more signs of life, Briar watching the young woman plead.

She had to be Briar's age, about 27 with blonde hair tucked into a makeshift helmet. "Please, I will tell you what you want to know!" The woman's shaking grew more aggressive as the black and red trooper said nothing in return. Only pointed the heavy blaster at her head and fired once. The woman's body fell against the wet wall of the cave, Briar turning around to check on her teammate.

Alexis was looking at a datapad. The room was silent other than the water dripping through the cracks of the cave. That was when the lightsaber was activated behind them.  

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