Chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Turns out, winning a galactic war has its downsides.

Briar hadn't seen Trilla in two days, unsure of what was even happening with her or the Inquisitors in general. She hasn't gotten any sort of update from any of them, and they are refusing to speak to Briar or any higher ups. The only message Briar would receive was the 'I am alive' update followed by her wife shutting off communication again.

She knew they were probably immensely busy with trying to find the remaining Jedi before they went into hiding again, but Briar couldn't at least holo call her wife? It didn't seem entirely fair.

Emperor Vader hadn't bothered to congratulate her on the win, or contact the Chief of War at all. It seemed as if no one wanted to speak to the woman who had managed to end the war that had started before she was even born. Except for Alexis, she was all over her.

"Bitch, I am speaking to you." Alexis drew Briar from her thoughts, tossing a med-pack at her to get her attention. Briar turned in her seat on the transport ship, facing the obnoxious woman with a fresh cut under her eye.

Scora was sitting next to Alexis, her legs crossed at the knee as her hand rested on the woman's thigh. "Sorry, what did you say? I was just thinking about if my wife was still alive or not." She deadpanned.

Alexis rolled her eyes, shifting in her seat, Scora's hand never leaving her thigh. "I asked how you were feeling. You killed Iden. Plus, we still have no clue what they injected you with and whether it has lasting effects." Alexis leaned forward as they hit turbulence, jumping slightly.

Briar diverted her gaze, busying herself with sliding her gloves on. "Yes, well. How am I supposed to feel with Iden's death on my hands? Relieved? Absolutely. Satisfied? Not at all." They exited hyperspace, pulling into the atmosphere of Coruscant.

"I'd feel happy as well knowing my toxic ex isn't breathing anymore." Lucius chimed in from the other side of Kandra. They wouldn't understand. At one point Briar had wanted to spend the rest of her life with that woman. Maybe even have kids with her. She didn't want that Iden to die. Just the Iden that had broken her heart. Iden did have good qualities. Her bad qualities were inherited from the same place everyone else got theirs. From the Empire itself.

The ship landed in the middle of the square, Stormtroopers holding back a crowd of people from entering their ship. Briar sighed, stretching her legs as she stood. She popped her neck, glancing from Lucius to Alexis. "Iden is dead, it doesn't matter anymore. That problem is solved. Now, do you both remember where exactly your vantage points are?"

Alexis stood. "Copy, Inferno One."

Lucius stood, placing his helmet over his head. "Copy, Inferno One."

Lucius exited the ship, choosing to disappear into the crowd as Alexis moved to stand directly in front of her best friend. "The love you had with her wasn't the right one. I know you know that. And your wife is alright, we'd be notified if she wasn't." As Briar moved to direct her gaze to her boots, her face was grabbed to stop her actions. Alexis cupped her cheeks, a gentle look in her eyes. "Okay?"


Alexis removed her hands and placed her helmet on, Briar following her actions. Kandra and Scora were at her side, directing her through the crowd of people screaming at her. She heard a woman's angered ranting, only picking up the part where Briar had single handedly ruined her life.

Moving through the sea of people, Kandra had her hand resting on the small of Briar's back, guiding her towards the large building in front of them. The doors were pushed open by capital guards, Briar led in before they were promptly shut. They didn't get a moment to rest, Kandra and Scora directing her to a meeting room. Orson and Tarkin were already seated followed by Mon Mothma and a middle aged woman Briar had not met before.

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