Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

"Briar, Trilla, I need you both to wake up."

Briar's body was shaken lightly, pulling her gently from her deep sleep. Her green eyes cracked open, looking up to find a panicked Alexis standing over her. Briar blindly reached a hand out, feeling for Trilla next to her. Her hand landed on warm skin, a soft groan popping up on Briar's right. The covers were pushed down absentmindedly, cold air prickling her exposed chest.

A shocked gasp snapped her eyes open again, the covers aggressively pulled back up to cover both naked women.

"Alexis, I don't know what you think you saw, but-" Trilla started, her voice measured.

"Trilla, I totally just saw bite marks on you." Alexis deadpanned. Briar raised herself onto her elbows, looking over at Trilla's blood-red cheeks. The Inquisitor placed her hands over her face, groaning. Briar knew it was far too early in the morning for her to argue with Alexis. "Wait." Alexis had her hand raised, the gears turning in her head. "When did you guys have sex last night? I heard nothing."

Briar couldn't stop the laugh that had started to bubble up her chest. She pulled herself up into a sitting position, allowing the covers to pool into her lap. Briar didn't mind Alexis seeing her exposed state, the woman had seen it more than enough when they had been in the barracks together. "That's because Trilla likes to play sex games." Briar stated.

Alexis squealed in delight as she felt Trilla slap her shoulder. "Briar!" She admonished, glaring at her. Briar wasn't afraid though. What would Trilla do? Inquisit her to death? *insert eye roll*

"I fucking knew it. Trilla you just look like you're kinky in bed." Alexis added. Briar chuckled again, smirking at her best friend with a nod. Trilla huffed, pointing to her sports bra laying on Briar's side on the floor. Alexis bent, tossing the clothing to her, the item slapping the Inquisitor in the face.

"You both are insufferable." Trilla grumbled, pulling on the bra. Trilla left the bed then, her lower extremities covered by her boxers. "Why did you come in here? Your hand was shaking as it hovered over Briar before you woke her." The Inquisitor's words caused both women to look at her with their eyebrows furrowed. Briar didn't want to lighten the mood, she wanted Trilla to feel how uneasy the statement had made her.

Alexis was the first to break the tension. "Do you sleep with one eye open, Trilla? Girl, we have got to get you a hobby. Anyway, yes, I was freaked out when I came in here. There's three royal guards standing outside. Emperor Vader has requested you both."

Briar saw the exact moment the words had registered in Trilla's brain. The Inquisitor's back straightened almost in response to his name. Her shoulders squared as she looked around as if she were lost. Trilla started opening drawers, hastily pulling out the pieces to her uniform. The chief of war wanted to comfort her, she wasn't sure where this fear had come from. "Trilla, it's okay honey. It's probably-"

"Briar, get dressed!" Trilla commanded, tightening the belt around her waist. The waist coat was swung around her shoulders, Trilla's wide eyes urging Briar to move. She raised her hands in defeat, complying with her before she raised her voice again.

What should have taken 15 to 20 minutes, now took 10. Both women were standing in the living area of Trilla's quarters, their helmets wedged under their arms. In the time it took for Briar to get ready, Trilla had not wiped the look of intense fear from her eyes. It was as if she were silently screaming. Briar felt she should mirror Trilla's emotions, but she didn't know Vader as she did. Troopers were told to fear Vader, but most would not come within 10 feet of him the entire time they served the Empire.

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