Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

"What do you mean the woman had a lightsaber?! Commander Adair, are you feeling all right?" Admiral Garrick Versio stared back at her from across the black meeting table, his chest rising and falling as he breathed heavily. He had been screaming at her since the squadron had arrived back to the Empire from their mission on Kamino.

The team had barely escaped with their lives. Briar had somehow managed to push past the shock she felt at seeing a Jedi up close, pulling the other smoke cannister from the pouch on her hip. She threw it right at the Jedi's feet, the woman cowering away from the object as the two troopers ran as fast as they could out of the cave. She no longer cared about the mud or the rain, she only cared about her survival.

"Are you listening, Commander Adair? I can always relieve you of your position if you find it too mundane for your interests." He was glaring at her, waiting for her to answer his screamed rhetorical question. They both knew what it was and what it meant for the Empire. It meant they were fucked. For that Jedi to survive that long, they knew there had to be a secret network of them slowly gaining support for the Rebellion. That Rebellion unit had only been a tiny crumb.

Briar spoke, her helmet distorting her voice as she stood her ground. "Admiral, the Jedi had activated their lightsaber behind us. The color was yellow. I threw a smoke cannister and we were able to escape. She was wearing a face covering of some sort. I could only see her eyes." Admiral Versio sighed, matching Briar's position of his hands behind his back. His shoulders were squared in his gray uniform, pressing a button on the panel to his left to shut the door behind it. It hissed closed, no outside noise entering the tense room.

"You're sure, Commander Adair?"

"Yes, Admiral." When he breathed again, all of the tension left his shoulders. He pressed a button to the left on the surface of the table, one of his assistants answering his call. A hologram of the assistant's body appeared over the table. He greeted his superior and the commander in the room, turning back towards the admiral.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I need you to contact the Inquisitors." 

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