Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

They slept in the street. Curled up against a building in an alleyway, taking turns keeping watch. Well, Briar did her best. She wasn't able to see much with a black eye that felt like a five pound weight over her right eye. Their backs hurt and they were hungry. They were really getting the undercover experience with this one. Even on her worst missions Briar had it easier than this.

Briar's was stiff from sitting up, her A-180 laying loosely in her lap. Anyone could have gotten the jump on them and she would have no one else to blame but herself.

Trilla wasn't sleeping. She was meditating quietly next to the exhausted commander. She looked over at Trilla as she sat with her legs crossed, her eyes shut to the world. Suddenly, Trilla's eyes popped open, the Inquisitor's hand grabbing the blaster sitting in Briar's lap. She pointed it towards the opening to the alley, a human male stepping into the entrance.

He gasped, raising his hands. He wore tattered clothes, a cut over his eyebrow freshly bandaged. "How did you know I was coming?" He asked. His accent was thick, closely resembling Trilla's.

"I heard your footsteps. What do you want?" Trilla's voice was hardened, the man's features softening as he took in Briar's state.

"Your friend-" He took a step forward, his hand outstretched.

"Wife." Trilla interrupted, lifting the barrel of the gun to follow the man's head.

"... Your wife is hurt and you both need to eat. Please, you're safe. I know about your meeting tonight." The man reasoned. Briar lifted her shaking hand, forcibly lowering the blaster. Trilla's eyes never left the man, even as he turned his back to them to lead them to safety.

"Honey, trust me." Briar whispered, getting up quickly. Trilla sighed, following behind Briar.

"What is your name?" Briar asked the man, faking a limp. She kept her voice full of gravel, holding her eye.

"Ante." He said, looking over at her. Shop owners were rebuilding their businesses all around them, that and taking out the dead.

Ante couldn't hide his concern for the woman, Briar taking full advantage. She stumbled over a rock, falling into him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I... I don't feel well." Briar released her whole weight as she leaned into him, the man having to fully hold her upright.

"If you could..." Ante looked back at Trilla as she watched the spectacle, motioning for the Inquisitor to please carry her badly injured wife. Trilla pushed the blaster into her waistband, holding her arms out for the broken chief of war.

Briar's head rested on Trilla's shoulder as she followed Ante while carrying the woman bridal style, allowing a few feet of space between them.

"My darling." Trilla was speaking through clenched teeth. "What do you think you're accomplishing with this? You have a swollen eye and bruised ribs at best." Briar wailed and coughed, moving closer to Trilla's ear.

"You will see tonight." She spoke, none of the exhaustion or gravel present in her voice.

They were lead into a makeshift tent, Ante pointing to a cot to place Briar on. Three more people were in the tent, two more on cots. Briar took one look at the man in the cot next to her and realized he was dead. His skin was gray, a large wound piercing his chest.

One of the nurses began examining Briar as she had a coughing fit, holding her stomach tightly. Trilla feigned concern, shouting at the other nurse to assist with Briar. Trilla was lead out by Ante, glancing over her shoulder.

"What's your name, honey?" One nurse asked, the other cutting open her shirt to examine her midsection. Briar's breathing was labored, forcing herself to cry. It felt like acid was leaving her right eye, but it only further drove the point home.

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