Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Briar awoke second, rising to find Alexis sitting on the counter in the kitchen. Her commander stretched, yawning as she walked over to her friend. She took groggy steps, her eyes catching Lucius's foot as he sprawled out in his bed.

"Hey, how's that eye feeling?" Alexis asked, setting down her cup of tea. Briar realized she could see out of it, all-be-it only partly. Her vision was crescent shaped, her eye refusing to open anymore.

"Feels like I was punched in the face by the gloved hand of a Canto Bight police officer. Anyway, I need to leave. I'd like to get ready in the privacy of my own room before the debrief." Alexis scoffed, shaking her head. Her hair was splayed out, the reckless waves dancing over her shoulders.

"You're right, I need to kick Lucius out." Alexis dropped herself down from the counter, moving past Briar's sleepy form. She watched as Alexis kicked the foot hanging out from underneath the cover, the man jumping up in a panic.

"Damn, woman!" Lucius cursed, glaring at her. Briar chuckled, moving past the arguing pair and exiting the living quarters. She jumped when she looked to her left, two Death Troopers leaning against the wall.

"Dammit, it's too early for this." She mumbled.

"Chief of War Adair, we're your escort." Briar froze, eyeing both black clad trooper carefully. Neither trooper moved, their blasters holstered.

"Excuse me? I don't need an escort."

"We were asked to escort high ranking military officials in the chance that-"

"I was a Death Trooper once. You do not need to spew the creed to me." Briar moved past them, heavy footfalls following her as she rounded the corner. She opened her door, stepping aside to allow the troopers into her quarters.

Neither moved, eyeing the woman silently. "Well, come on. You're not going to stand out there the entire time. Get in here." Both moved quickly, entering the quarters, standing awkwardly. Great.

"Alright, first things first: Helmets off." Briar spoke, neither trooper following her command. They both stood near the wall, watching the woman silently. Their armor glistened as the light turned on. "I do believe that was a command."

Briar crossed her arms, standing defiantly by her bed. She heard the familiar hiss of air escaping as the two removed their helmets, holding them at their sides. Fabric was removed from their heads. Briar stared back at the two women, their eyes hardened as they took in their charge in their exposed state. They both had their hair tied back in tight buns, one with blonde hair and one with raven black hair. One had a scar over her left eye.

"Wonderful. I'm Briar Adair, what are your names? Do not give me your call-signs." Briar removed her shirt in front of the two women, their eyes darting up to the ceiling.

"My name is Scora." The blonde with the scar spoke, nodding her greeting to Briar. She shifted her position, her armor clacking together.

"Kandra." The raven haired woman spoke next, neither smiling as they introduced themselves. The troopers leaned against the wall as Briar continued to change in front of them.

Briar had pulled her red and black flight suit on, bringing the zipper up before smoothing the cover over the zipper track. "Is this temporary? Did they give you a deadline?" She asked, shoving her boots on next. The original Inferno Squad uniform had called for knee-length boots, but she hated the restrictive qualities of knee-length boots. Briar wanted to be able to crouch low without the top of her boot sticking out.

She preferred her ankle boots, but Lucius chose to stick with the original uniform. Alexis, of course, followed Briar's lead.

Silence filled the room again as Briar quietly fitted the armor pieces over her chest and back.

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