Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

Briar felt useless. For a week she'd be holed up in her living quarters recovering, the Inferno Squad not taking a break with her. Alexis and Lucius went on several missions without their commander, coming back with stories of defeating small Rebel Units. She wanted so badly to join them.

Trilla had also been missing since Briar had been confined to her quarters. The only contact she had was with the cook that would bring her meals to the room. He was nice, but he never stayed long to chat.

Throughout it all, her meeting with the Emperor was looming over her. She had no idea why she was being called upon, but she knew she couldn't reject the meeting. Briar had gotten better. The headaches came and went, but only for a passing moment now. She had slowly started to exercise again, only able to do so much by herself in a room.

The commander was sat on the floor cross-legged, reading over a data file with the Imperial army statistics on it. The Inferno Squad was such a small unit in it all. The door slid open without warning, the Second Sister stepping into the black tiled living area/bedroom. Briar stood as Trilla removed her helmet, placing it on the bed.

"Why must you not be fully clothed?" Trilla tried to sound irritated, but Briar watched as her eyes slid all over her body. She had only been wearing her boxers and sports bra, finding anything else to be too hot. Plus, Briar didn't expect someone to just waltz into her room.

Briar, with data file in hand, turned and pulled open the bottom-most drawer to the filing cabinet. She bent down, rummaging past rows of data files to get to the location she needed. She could feel the Inquisitors eyes on her, her body threatening to alight.

"Commander, that data file doesn't go in that drawer. It goes in the top." Trilla couldn't hide the strain in her voice, Briar smirking.

"Ah yes, this concussion makes me forget things." She simply explained, a complete lie. Briar straightened, depositing the data file in the very first slot of the top drawer.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Trilla? There must be some reason for you being here other than seeing me undressed." Trilla's eyes set in a glare as Briar began walking slowly towards the Inquisitor. Briar was stopped, a gloved hand landing on her chest to keep some distance between the two.

"In fact, there is. You're to meet with the Emperor. Get dressed." The commander's stomach fell to the floor, looking down at the Inquisitor's boots. Trilla, if she were allowed in the meeting, would be the only ally she had. She had no idea what to expect, why she'd have to explain anything to him.

Briar felt that gloved hand grab her by the chin, lifting her head to meet Trilla's soft eyes. "I'll be there, darling. You're fine. Just answer honestly. He'll know if you're lying."

The commander pulled her face out of Trilla's gentle grip, walking away from her. She began dressing in her Inferno uniform. All but her helmet, which to her knowledge was still being repaired from Trilla throwing it.

"All right, let's go. Don't want to be late for my own death." She remarked coldly, the Second Sister sighing as she placed her helmet over her head. Briar stared into that red visor before the Inquisitor turned, leading her out of the room.

On the lift, neither woman spoke. Briar's heart was pounding, she couldn't help but be nervous. She'd never met the Emperor, never expected to. She followed Trilla, her cape billowing behind her as she escorted the commander to her doom.

Trilla stopped, opening a small door. She poked her head into the room, speaking to whoever was inside. Then, Trilla was handed Briar's Inferno helmet, Briar's mouth falling open. The object was handed to her, the commander immediately throwing it on. She felt slightly better, she'd have some anonymity.

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