Chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Briar hadn't slept that night. The longest her eyes remained closed was for a maximum of ten minutes; the forest was too loud, too overbearing to allow sleep to take her. Her wife, on the other hand, had slept the entire night without waking. Either Trilla knew more of the dangers the forest held and chose to keep her secrets close, or her body was too exhausted to care.

So there Briar sat on the floor leaning against her cot, watching as Trilla lay on her stomach, facing the wall of the tent. The Grand Inquisitor only wore boxers and a compression shirt to bed, the backs of her thighs covered in bacta gel. Briar couldn't take her eyes off of the healing gash on her thighs. The wound had been much deeper before Trilla had used Force-Drain, but even now the wound would take several days to fully heal. Only an ugly scar would be left behind of this awful time on this awful planet.

She sat up, looking over the glistening wound, trying to decide if she should apply more of the ointment, or let the wound air-dry before they attempted to put pants back on her.

"Staring at it will not accelerate the healing, my love."

Trilla was now facing her wife, her arms brought up to hold her head at a higher angle. Trilla held a small comforting smile, no ill intention meant. But Briar knew better. Trilla was a smart woman, she knew it'd take more than her surviving for Briar to forgive her for what had happened. She'd formed that plan with her best friend behind her back. Briar had absolutely no say in whether she'd wanted to leave the Empire. That choice had been made for her as if she were a child.

Briar lowered her gaze, unable to meet the intense blue-green eyes watching her closely. Briar felt like how she imagined a Padawan felt in the Inquisitor's presence. Every move, every sleight of hand was analyzed for signs of an actual threat. Trilla held a predatory aura around her, even with her soft words. Briar knew it was only because she was in a state of weakness, but she still hated it. She knew that in that moment, even with her injury, her wife could over-power her. She could force Briar onto a ship and take her to a far away land without so much as breaking a sweat.

"Look at me, Briar." The stern voice spoke from the cot, forcing Briar's attention from her boots to the Inquisitor still laying down. "Why do I feel fear on you, my love? Are you afraid of me now?"

Audibly scoffing, Briar brought her green eyes up to stare at her wife with distaste. "Really, Trilla? You could kill me with a snap of your fingers if you wanted to, but you need me right now. You're not going to get off of this fucking bizarre planet without me."

The Inquisitor rose onto her elbows with a start, fire in her eyes. "I need you because you're my wife, Briar! Or have you forgotten our vows? How could-"

Briar rose from the floor. "Me?! You're the one who convinced my best friend to drug me and then lied to me about where you were! Do not bring up our vows when you're the one in the wrong here!"

The tent was silent, the fire slowly dying in Trilla's eyes.

"And to make matters worse, several Troopers died just so you could get this lie to work. I know that you think Troopers are expendable, but they aren't to me. None of this would have had to happen if you just told me how you felt."

Trilla looked down at her pillow, her hair draping around her face to hide herself from Briar's damning words. The commander of the Inferno Squad waited patiently as her wife sighed deeply, her leg twitching as she readjusted her laying position. The Inquisitor was now laying on her side to face her wife more directly. "I assumed my complete devotion to you over my career was enough for you to realize my intentions. It was my mistake to surmise that my trooper wife would hold the capacity to think such things."

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