Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

Alexis couldn't help but laugh at how red Briar's face had gotten, shoving her shoulder as she sat down across from her on the bed.

"I just asked how it went with the Second Sister two days ago, not if you've ever had a real orgasm before. Why are you getting so embarrassed?"

A projector powered on, appearing on the black wall across from the bed. An odd show started playing for background noise, Briar tuning it out as she pictured Trilla in her minds eye again. She had been so beautiful, so intense.

"She um... She took her mask off, and-"

A hand came down and slapped Briar's exposed thigh so hard a handprint was left, the hurt woman trying to pull her boxers down to cover more skin.

"Damn woman." Briar exclaimed, watching as the small red handprint started to appear.

"I'm sorry, she what?! She HAS to have a crush on you. There's-" Briar placed a hand over Alexis's mouth, forcing her best friend to stop her ranting.

"If you'd shut up and let me finish! She took her mask off, we talked, and then... She.. She just kept touching me. Mostly my cheeks, mind you. But it felt like she was grounding herself to me with how much she was doing it. Then she kissed me on the cheek and I told her to get fucked and left."

Briar wasn't able to stop the second slap from coming. Alexis had the motor skills of a cat. She was too fast for her own good. Right over her other palm print, the second slap echoed just as loud as the first.

The Commander actually yelped, covering her stinging skin as she glared at her friend.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! This woman seems ACTUALLY interested in you and suddenly you have the confidence of a frat boy at his first party?! What were you thinking?!"

Alexis screamed at her, her voice rising until it was a squeal. Her best friend had been there since the beginning, but Briar wasn't making it a walk in the park. Well, a walk in the park if you're a man in the daytime.

Briar waited until her friend was done yelling, rising to grab her a glass of water. Her thigh throbbed, but she had acted to protect her pride. She never took into consideration how Trilla would feel.

Once Alexis had her water, she seemed to calm down. Even waiting patiently for Briar to sit and explain herself.

"I went to Tr- The Second Sister, because I somehow knew she'd be honest with me. She told me things I don't know if I have the clearance to share with you. But, she was honest with me when others haven't been. But at the end, she basically said I'm still a Storm Trooper and I'm expendable."

Alexis's mouth fell open, her hand coming up and slapping it closed. She's so dramatic.

"What a bitch. I thought it had been fine up until you said the last part. BUT. The big question: Was she super hot? Oh no, is she toxic and hot? You're screwed." It was Briar's turn to slap her friend, hitting her softly on the knee as she chuckled.

"You ass. She's um... She's breathtaking. I know you thought Iden was hot.. but the Second Sister is something else."

Alexis sat back against the headboard, contemplating what Briar had said. After several moments of silence mixed with the weird comedy show, Alexis sat up and looked at Briar.

"You never described Iden as breathtaking. Yeah, you guys had a passionate relationship up until the end, but you weren't like THIS. The Second Sister is over ten times more dangerous than Iden could ever be and you called her breathtaking." Briar was silent, taking it all in. She knew what Alexis was going to ask next, but she still waited patiently for the question.

"With all the two have done to you, if Iden and the Second Sister were in a room together, both begging for you, which would you choose?" Alexis asked, turning to watch her friend's face as she worked through an answer.

Briar could picture the scenario: Iden standing in her Inferno uniform, tears streaming down her face as she apologized for leaving. Iden would have her arms outstretched, asking Briar to take her back despite it all. At one point, Briar would have taken her back. But, her minds eye also took in Trilla. She would be stoic, watching Briar with such an intensity. Even as Iden's begging grew louder and more desperate, Trilla would cross her arms over her chest, switching her weight onto one hip. Trilla was bored. She knew who Briar would pick. This was just wasting time Briar and Trilla could be spending together, her ex embarrassing herself for no reason.

"I'd pick Trilla. Iden lied to me for years about her feelings for the Rebellion until one day she left without saying goodbye. She made a fool out of me." The smallest tendrils of anger flared up in the Commander's body, switching her position in the hopes it'd go away. Sensing her friend's discomfort, Alexis turned to face her, placing her hand over Briar's.

"Well, if I'd have asked you a week ago, your answer would have been different, right? That's what's different about the Second Sister. So, give her a chance." Briar opened her mouth to respond, but her voice was quickly covered by an alarm sounding in her room. There were red flashing lights. Briar knew they had only been activated for one reason and one reason only. The Imperial base was under attack.


Briar and Alexis couldn't put on their uniforms fast enough, both women stumbling out Briar's door into the chaotic hallway. Briar slipped her helmet on, white-clad Storm Troopers running past them to take out the threat.

"Mertle, are you on comms?" Briar asked, hoping Lucius was closer to what ever was going on. People were shouting and shoving as the two black and red Troopers tried to fight through the crowd.

"Inferno One? Yes I am. They came through the main hangar, there's a lot of them. There's um... There's also that Jedi with the yellow lightsaber again." Briar froze, realizing she had no idea how to fight a Jedi. She looked down at her heavy repeater, sighing softly. Her brain was scrambled as she tried to conjure up a better plan for her squadron.

"Alright, leave the Rebels to the Storm Troopers. Focus all you have on that Jedi."

"Copy, Inferno One." Lucius responded, Alexis nodding at her superior at they continued to run towards the main hangar. The hallways were congested with Storm Troopers and workers, pleading at Briar to help them escape. Some even tried to grab onto her uniform, one in particular meeting the butt end of her gun after they had grabbed her.

Alexis pushed in front of them, shoving open the door to the staircase. Both women padded down the concrete stairs at full speed, Briar keeping in mind to keep her back straight so she wouldn't fly forward and hurl herself down. They arrived at the door to the main hangar, realizing the door was stuck. The two jammed their fingers into one side of the door and pulled, the door slowly creaking open enough for them to squeeze through.

They were met with shots ringing all around them, both taking cover behind a large crate. Briar looked ahead, a Storm Trooper taking a hit to the chest right at that second. The Commander felt an icy wave wash through her as she watched the Trooper crumble to the ground. Alexis placed her hand on Briar's shoulder, gaining her attention before she pointed her finger to the left.

There, she saw the woman with the yellow lightsaber strike down two Storm Troopers as if they were mere paper. Briar knew she would surely die, but she had to do something to protect the Empire. Even if that meant she was making her expendable.

Commander Adair rose from her cover, Alexis's front end pressed to her back. Both women pushed forward, firing all they had at the small woman. They had wanted to have the advantage of striking the woman from behind, but at the last second she turned. With the flick of the women's wrist, both Briar and Alexis went flying across the room. Alexis landed on top of a crate, Briar soaring through the air to land on a pile of equipment. Her helmet connected hard with a tank of fuel, her eyes filling with black. 

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