Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

"You, my dear. You stubborn woman. You... cannot leave me."


Briar hadn't known how long she had been asleep, but she was laying on something that felt unfamiliar to her. The object felt stiff, probably some sort of metal.

She began the laborious task of getting her eyelids to open again, feeling as if she were throwing all of her energy into that one task. She had barely gotten her right eye to open into a slit when she heard beeping to her right.

The Commander's heartrate picked up as she froze, shutting her eyes again. She felt as if she were in some sort of danger. Maybe the Rebels had captured her once she had been knocked out.

She attempted to regulate her breathing, much to the dismay and protest of her lungs wanting so badly to gulp all of the air out of the room. As if that were even possible. *Insert eye roll*

Briar tried to move an arm out, only an inch, but found she wasn't able to move it at all. Her body wanted to panic, to throw her eyes open and get free of what ever was holding her down. She heard a mechanical whirring next to her, feeling cold metal touch her face. Her eyes were forced open by a FX-6 Medical Droid, Briar's body uncontrollably pushing back further onto the slab of metal to get away from the droid.

"Alerting contact."

The droid said the statement as lifeless as it could, making a series of beeps. Briar kept her eyes open, taking in the black room she was located in. Her uniform was off, strewn on the floor. Briar took in the state of her body, bruises in different stages of healing all over her legs and arms. The bruise from the Admiral pushing the table into her hip was the most faded out of all of them, the freshest located on her right ribs.

There were straps over her chest, wrists, and ankles, holding them securely to the table. She wouldn't have ran even if she weren't stuck to the table, she had no idea where she was. This room was not familiar to her at all. Not in the slightest.

Alexis ran into the room, out of breath as she pushed the medical droid aside and cupped Briar's face.

"I'm so glad you're awake. You scared me." Alexis's words sounded strangled, as if her throat had tightened as she spoke to her friend. The hug Briar received was crushing, her ribs screaming in protest as her fried squeezed out all the air in her lungs.

"Alexis, what happened? Where are we?" As Briar voiced her confusion, Alexis went to work unstrapping her from the table. Her ankles were freed, then her wrists and chest. Briar felt weak, as if she had been laying down for a very long time. She needed assistance sitting up on the table, leaning over onto Alexis's body as she sat on the table next to Briar's seated form.

"The Imperial base was attacked. We ran to help out. We were both thrown when that Jedi pushed us across the room. I landed on a crate... But you... You hit that fuel tank so hard. Your helmet even cracked! Those Storm Troopers must really like you, Briar. A group of them saw you had been knocked out, and they didn't hesitate to stand over and protect you until the Inquisitors came."

Briar felt the blossoms of pride grow in her chest, smiling weakly as she continued to listen to Alexis.

"Once the Inquisitors got there, it all ended so quickly. You were taken onto a ship. I had no idea where they were taking us, but I knew I needed to be with you. I forced myself onto the ship, much to the protest to the Storm Troopers already cramped together. They took us to Fortress Inquisitorius where they started treating you. You kept fighting the Purge Troopers and Medical Droids so they had to restrain you."

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