Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Alexis practically dragged Briar's unwilling body all the way to the bar, only releasing her once the doors had shut. The bar in this base was the worst the pair had been to. Stormtroopers sat quietly at the tables with their drinks, the lights refusing to illuminate more than what was needed. The music was slow and lazy, no one seeming to care anymore. This was either how this bar had always been, or troopers were really giving up already.

Briar sat at a booth against the back wall while Alexis grabbed their drinks. Scora and Kandra sat down quietly, removing their helmets to fix their disheveled hair. The chief of war pressed her comm, hearing the familiar crackle.

*Yes, my darling?* Trilla answered. Briar couldn't help the cheesy smile as it spread across her face as her cheeks warmed. Thankfully, it was so dark in the bar that the other occupants probably didn't notice a difference.

"Can you bring me clothes to change into when you get to the bar? I don't want to wear my uniform here." Briar stated.

*Bar? Why are you-*

Briar ended the call before Trilla could argue. Removing her helmet, she glanced up just as several drinks were slammed onto the table aggressively. Alexis was grinning ear to ear, sliding into the booth next to Scora. Briar watched as Alexis pecked the woman on the cheek, winking quickly at the blonde before turning her attention back towards the other people at the table.

"When is your fiancée coming?!" The woman screamed at her, causing Briar to hold back a laugh. Alexis was going to be a handful tonight. Hopefully, Scora will still like her after this. At times, Alexis didn't know when to call it a night. Briar could make a four-foot long list of the numerous times she had ended up throwing her intoxicated best friend over her shoulder and out of bars.

Alexis pushed a drink towards her, the clear liquid sloshing over the side and onto the shiny black table. "No wait, take this with me and then tell me." Briar raised her eyes, noticing Alexis holding an identical glass near her lips. She hated taking mystery drinks, it was always a gamble with how much alcohol-to-juice Alexis asked for. Knowing the occasion, the drink in front of her was straight hard liquor with no relief.

She felt a heavy sigh leave her lips, glancing at Kandra once before picking up the full juice glass. She made the smart decision of refusing to smell the drink, lifting the glass towards Alexis. Their glasses clinked together before both brought their glasses down to slam on the table, some of the liquid coating Briar's hand before the rim met her mouth. She tipped the glass back, gulping the liquid as fast as her burning throat would allow.

This is awful.

Briar felt the familiar nausea rile around her stomach as she continued to swallow the mystery liquid, slamming her free hand on the table to distract herself from the searing pain of her throat. After several gulps, the empty glass was set onto the table. Briar didn't move or think for several seconds, trying to hold the liquid down.

"You bitch, that was straight hard liquor!" Briar yelled at her friend, Alexis unable to hide her smug smirk as Scora slapped her shoulder in Briar's defense. Alexis laughed, her excited smile contagious as she pushed the empty glasses towards the end of the table. The state of Alexis' sobriety shined bright as she pushed the glasses too far, one tipping over the edge.

Briar waited for the sound of glass shattering, both women leaning over the edge of the booth to find the glass suspended in the air just over the edge of the table. Briar's eyes shot up, finding Trilla standing several feet away with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised.


Both intoxicated women watched the floating glass rest on the table again, their mouths hanging open to catch all the flies in the room.

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