Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

"Fuck Trilla and my helmet. I don't need either of them." Briar stated, Alexis watching her from the kitchen. It had been three days and the fight with Trilla was all Briar could talk about. Alexis sighed, walking over to the cupboard under the sink.

To Briar's amazement, Alexis produced said helmet she no longer needed.

"How did you get it?" Alexis placed the black and red helmet on the counter.

"Trilla brought it by yesterday. She said she has to leave the base for a few days and doesn't have use for it." Briar scoffed, looking down at her herbal tea. It stung to know Trilla didn't want to see her. They had a fight, but that didn't mean Briar cared any less for her.

"Oh, she also gave me another comb? I'm not sure I understand your fixation with combs." Alexis tossed the comb onto the bed, Briar not moving for several seconds. Her green eyes raked over the comb, the smooth dark wood glistening from the oils it had been dipped in.

Briar picked up the wooden object, resting the cold wood against her cheek. She could almost feel Trilla cupping her cheeks again. A warmth blossomed, a blissful smile etching across her face.

"Alexis... How could I love a woman like this?"

"Oh... Love?? Well, from the absurd amount of combs, I'd say Trilla is asking you to be patient with her. She may need some time to adjust to these new feelings. You never hear about Inquisitors having relationships for a reason. They are fiercely dedicated to their mission."

Briar's legs swung over the bed as she stood, the comb left on the bedspread.

"I don't know if I actually LOVE her. I just know that every waking second I'm with her, I somehow want to be closer. I'm so drawn to her."

Briar was gushing, telling her best friend her real feelings towards the Inquisitor. Not the 'I don't care about her' shit, she wanted to be honest with the only woman who put up with her for this long.

"That's love, doofus." Briar glared as Alexis smirked, putting on her own helmet.

"Alright, I'll be off-world on a mission with Lucius. Let me know how the second meeting goes with the Emperor." Briar was ushered out of the room and back to her own, the door hissing shut.

The commander was lonely but she didn't want to be around anyone. If she were in a crowd of people, she'd still be yearning for the one woman who was upset with her. How soft Trilla was at times, how her eyes danced over Briar, taking in every small emotion and facial expression the commander had.

Briar tried to think back to the night she had spent at Trilla's living quarters. She racked her damaged brain, trying to remember any contact the two had while in the bed together. She moved into the kitchen area, brewing another floral tea. The kettle began rumbling as she water grew hotter and hotter, almost dropping her cup as she recalled what she had been looking for.

It had been the middle of the night, Briar was in and out of sleep, her brain on fire. She had whimpered softly, willing the pain to go away. She had felt Trilla stir next to her before turning to face her. Silently, the Inquisitor reached a hand out, caressing her right cheek. Briar had wanted to cry, not from the pain, but from the overwhelming feelings of affection for the woman next to her. Briar knew now why Trilla had turned around so suddenly and fallen back asleep.

The kettle whistled, breaking Briar's thoughts as she leaned against the counter holding her cheek. She allowed a tear to fall as she busied herself with filling her cup then adding the leaves. Her chest ached, she wished so badly to be anywhere but there. With Trilla.

Without thinking, Briar touched the side of the comm in her ear. She heard the soft crackle of the person answering her call.

"Trilla?" Briar asked, waiting patiently as she watched the steam from her tea. No response came.

"I miss you, Trilla." Her voice choked at the end, more tears filling her eyes. She wanted to apologize, to make things okay with the complicated woman.

*I know, dear.* 

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