Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

"You, my dear. You stubborn woman. You... cannot leave me."

As Briar was escorted by the Purge Trooper, those words echoed so loudly. As if the person were screaming them from right behind her. Her heart was hammering, she was terrified to stand in front of the Emperor again. Alone, without Trilla. Her rock.

"Straight ahead, Commander." The Trooper stated, pointing at the door with four Royal Guards positioned there at the ready.

Briar's boots echoed as she walked down the platform, the Guards parting and allowing the door to open. She felt 10 degrees hotter, beginning to sweat in her full uniform as she walked by the pools of lava. The Emperor was sat in his throne, his face stoic. To his right was Darth Vader, breathing as heavily as ever. Next to him was Admiral Versio and the Grand Inquisitor. She realized there was also a row of people to the Emperor's left. Her eyes skated across the row of masked people, stopping on the woman standing at attention with the black mask and red visor. When had she gotten back?

"Commander, I have reviewed your plan with the Director and my inner circle. I will choose the Empire's best spies to accomplish that task. I would like you to oversee that mission to its success as well as others as we prepare for war with the Rebellion. So, as well as being the commander of the Inferno Squad, you are now herby filling the newly created position of my Chief of War."

Briar surely hadn't heard him correctly. Chief of War?! Trilla was going to be absolutely pissed.

"Emperor, surely you don't need to give her that position?" Admiral Versio spoke up, everyone turning to look at him. The Admiral moved slightly to stand in front of Briar, a dumbfounded look on his face.

"She's rash and asks far too many questions to be the Chief of War." Versio argued. That man was on a death mission.

"Did you come up with the plan? Did anyone else come up with that plan? Are you questioning my ability to name my inner circle?" Briar stole a gaze towards Trilla, finding her mask faced towards her. Then, the Inquisitor turned her gaze back to the man in front of Briar, placing a hand down on the handle of her double bladed spinning lightsaber hanging on her belt.

"Well... N- No, Emperor." Briar could see Admiral Versio's shoulders begin to shake slightly.

"Why are you questioning me?!" The Emperor's voice boomed across the room as he leaned forward in his chair. His hands tightened on the armrests of the throne, his teeth gritting. Briar felt the vibrations from his loud outburst in her chest even through her uniform. This man was far too powerful.

The Admiral's entire body was shaking violently. He was done for.


Briar pulled her eyes back to Trilla as she lifted her left hand, brushing it to the left. As she did, the commander's body was lurched to her right, her boots stumbling as she avoided falling into the pool of lava. While Briar was catching herself, Trilla freed her lightsaber and threw it like a disc towards the Admiral. One of the crimson blades ignited as it soared through the air at an impossibly fast speed. Trilla had an arm on her.

The blade cut like butter completely through the Admiral's neck, severing his head. As the blade continued on, it was suddenly pulled back, the blade extinguishing as Trilla caught the lightsaber by the handle. Briar looked to her left, the Admiral's body falling back. The upper portion fell into the lava, the lower half being sucked down as the lava devoured him. The stench of burning flesh filled Briar's helmet, her eyes glued to Admiral Versio's head still sitting on the platform.

"Does anyone else object my decision?!" The Emperor yelled, force-pulling the severed head into his awaiting hands. The severed end was still smoking, a horrifying sight.

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