43. Whores Part 1

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" What the Fuck!! "

For a moment I am dazed…  Shocked…  Like, what the bloody fuck actually? I didn't call her. I would never, even at gunpoint… How the hell is she even_

Adding more to my appalling state the skank on the edge of my desk speaks up, cutting my thoughts and trying to seduce me," How do you want me this time, Sir? "

And that's exactly when I get hit with an imaginary brick of reality as Theresa barges in, flies past me, and stands in front of me while taking in the image in front of her and she gasps… 


My eyes almost burn in fear, I rarely feel, blood drains from my body... Because this isn't looking good… At all… 

While still taking in the Escort I know from a previous time, Theresa stands half confused... But I know she will be quick enough to catch. It will be a matter of time before she catches on completely. 

And proving me right she stumbles back. 

My stomach dangles without any momentum in my body and it keeps sinking lower because it isn't what it looks like at the same time it's exactly what it looks like. And I am fucking standing having lost words. Not knowing what to do for a moment. 

Sodding fuck!! 

My heart crumbles when she turns to look at me. Her face, pale, her eyebrows knit in disbelief. 

" What's  going on Hardin?" She murmurs barely audible. Her face contorted in hurt. Like she is in actual pain. And it spreads the pain through me too. 

Breaking out of my stupor I bent a little so my face is at her level. I grab both of her hands in mine to beg desperately…" Nothing, love. I promise… "

I don't know what she reads off my expression but she jerks her hands away as if merely my touch isn't safe for her…. "Do not call me that…" She seethes, stepping back… Her eyes forming a cast of moisture, quickly. " Who is she… What is she…  wh-what is she doing here Hardin…"

I get the small glimpse of moisture, becoming clear drops accumulating in the brim of her eyes, and that almost breaks me so it takes me a moment to answer… That brief period allows her brain to turn the wheels and her eyes widen as if a horrific thought crosses her mind… 

She hastily steps a few more steps back… " She is your Es-" She chokes on half her words and tries to complete after inhaling another long trail of air… " You have Escorts…!!!" She concludes.


"No no no.." I try to reach her but with more disgust and hurt evident and tears starting to fall from her eyes she shakes her head prohibiting me to touch her... 

She frantically looks around while I completely hate that look of anguish on her face… And then looks back at me. " Why did you bring me to show this…??" 

" What?!" I ask standing straighter at the absurd question she has managed to conjure… 

" You-" She begins but she stops. She shakes her head violently before turning to leave…. 

But somehow I quickly grab her wrist... "Wait, Tess….!!"

She whirls back trying to untangle her hand… "Leave me…" She screams but I adamantly keep her in my grip hoping she allows me to explain just once…. 

Rather harshly and helplessly I pull her close and grab her by her shoulder making it impossible for her to escape. " It's not what it looks like…." I plead... " Give me a moment to explain…" 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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