Right Thing

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This is a really long chapter cos yoh all deserve it. Thank you bunnies 🐰
Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❤️


To say I am happy will be an understatement. It's a huge relief to see Lily out of coma.

She has lost so much weight but I know that can be changed in little to no time.
I miss her so much, can't believe i almost lost her. It's true you won't know the worth of what you have until you loss or almost loss it.

I still can't get over what happened in the hospital room just now. I can't understand how by Lily's Mum didn't want me to tell her the truth. 

We both stepped out of the room to go see the doctor and half way to the Doctor's office she turned to me with a sharp look on her face.

"Kenneth you've caused my daughter so much pain that I am half tempted to take her far away from you." She hissed at me

" Ma'am as much as I ino you don't like the very much right now. I sincerely want to apologize and promise to make things right. I promise to be the best man she can ever imagine" I answered with so much sincerity

Rolling her eyes " Well I don't care how you want to make all that silly promise come to reality.  One more thing I will like is to keep the whole divorce and everything away from her for now till she feels much better and healthy.  She is going through so much right now and I won't want us to add that to her health"  She stated

To say am in shock will be putting it simply. I just can't understand but at the same time I feel like it's only normal to do what she said and spare Lily the heartbreak.

"Alright ma'am , I totally understand you and will do as yoh have asked. I will also call the Lawyer to put a stop to the divorce process. I really can't lose her, she is my everything and I really want to make things right between us once again. I want my family back, I want my wife and kids back. I am sorry I cause everyone so much pain. I was selfish and foolish, I wasn't thinking and failed to see what an angel I have beside me." I said  with tears in my eyes.

" I hope you learn and make things right. She deserve that much"

We both keep silent as we walked into the into the Doctor's office.

A nurse came in to check Lily's vitals and adjuster her drugs for the afternoon.

The Doctor said she is fine and better now aside the temporary amnesia. She would be under observation for  one more day then free to go home with us.

" I will have to ask everyone to step out to the waiting area so she can rest and relax herself" the nurse informed us.

" Awww I enjoyed you all company I will be so lonely and bored." Lily complained sadly.

" It's just so you can relax. We will all be back in no time" Ruby replied her with a hug.

"I will miss you too baby. I might go and check the kids at school and tell them you are better now. Might even snap some pictures of them for you" I said kissing her lips briefly.

" I will love that, tell them mummy live them so much and can't wait to see them"

" Ofcourse I will extend your love to them"

"Mummy can you come back later with my Favourite meal. I feel I can eat a mountain right now" she said turning to her mother.

" Any thing for my precious daughter" Her mum replied pecking her cheek.

We all left the room so Lily can sleep in peace.

"Where are you heading to Rubs? Want me to drop you at home or you booked an hotel?" I asked my sister

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