Step into the right direction

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Hello my bunnies, it's been a while I know but don't get tired of me yet. I love and missed you.

This chapter is dedicated to Ritagurl113 thank you for your words to encouragement and check up.



"Where are you Ruby?"
You are suppose to be here about 30minutes ago, the drive to the kids school is really not that far you know"
I spoke into the phone I had in my hand.

" Calm down bro, there is no need for the noise. We are almost at home, we had a little bit of an emergency stop at the mall. The kids wanted to get their mum something and I just couldn't say no to those cute little faces" She replied

Knowing her she probably rolled her eyes while saying all of these.

" Just get here okay, I need everything to be perfect and set before I go pick her from the hospital, you can't mess this up for my brat"
I said calling her my favorite childhood nickname for her which always annoys her.

"Excuse me Mister, I am not a brat. I am a full grown woman and a beautiful one at that. We are at the estate gate you will see us in a bit"

She dropped the call and I rushed in to check if there is anything missing.

I had gotten an event planner to do all of the decoration including the"welcome home" banner.

Foods and snacks are almost done by the caterers.
I just need this to be perfect because I intend to treat her right and well from  this moment onward.
I can't believe it took me nearly loosing her to realise how much she meant to me.

I would never forgive myself if I had lost her to my foolishness and selfishness.

I heard the horn of a car and knew Ruby is here with the kids. I made her pick them up from school for the weekend because of the welcome party and since the school don't know her, I had to call them ahead and drop her details.

They requested an ID card from her to confirm her identity and the parent permission tag we were given for visitation. Thank God I gave that incase they asked for it.

"Daddy" I heard from the doorway as my kids ran towards me and I felt their hands over me.

"My darlings" I called out as I knelt to hug and give them pecks each which I also got in return from each of them.

"Are we having a party?" Athena asked

" Whose birthday is it ?" Amber fired out before I could reply

"Mommy Mommy" Andre cried out.

" Damn I don't think I ever want kids" Ruby said jokingly as she watched the drama unfolding before her.

" Who is the lady with the weird hair color Daddy?" Amber questioned.

" I told you she is our Aunty, you just don't remember her" Athena replied Amber sassily.

" I thought she was a kidnapper and refused to talk to her" she said shyly  "Looking at her now, she looks like you and Grandma" she spoke with a smile on her face.

" Sorry princess, I should have told you earlier. She is my sister who is also your aunty Ruby, she has been out of the country for a while. Andre wasn't even born and you were still a baby when she traveled out"  I answered trying to explain as much as I can.

" I guess only Athena can remember her then because she screamed her name and ran to hug her" Amber replied.

" Nice to meet you ma. I am Amber and this is my baby brother Andre" she introduced her self while facing Ruby

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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