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Am finally through with my exam but the thing is I haven't seen my result even those who did there's before me has seen theirs. I just pray I pass it.
I attended a wedding last weekend

Lily's Pov

The drive to the lawyer's office was filled with silence,an arkward one. Am quiet sure I knife can cut through the tension between us.

I was so lost in thought that I did not realize we had arrive until I heard a loud bang from the driver side of the car. I rushed out of the car, hurriedly adjusting my light pink plitted dress.

Entering the office we met a young beautiful lady at the reception.

"Good afternoon sir and ma, how may I help you please" she inquired politely

"We are here to see Barrister Lawson" Ken answered

"Oh please have your sit, do you have an appointment with her"

"Yes we do tell her it Mr Williams"

"Alright let me get a confirmation from her" she replied picking up the intercom

I looked around the office in appreciation. There were file cabinet neatly stacked in a corner and the office was painted in dark gray and white. There were pictures of past and present notable lawyers and SANs hung on the wall with beautiful art works to compliment it.

"You may go in now please,the second office to your left on the third floor , the elevator is right there" she pointed out.

"Thank you very much" I said to her standing up.

The silence during the elevator ride was not comfortable but thank God it wasn't for long. We excited the elevator on the third floor and headed to the second office which happened to be a glasses door. Ken knocked softly against the door and after a few seconds we heard a "come in" from the other side.  Ken held the door open for me to go in first. I mumbled a "thank you" which am not sure he heard since he did not reply.

I saw a woman sitting on a rotating chair whose back was to us typing furiously in her system.She was wearing a royal blue suit and her hair was up in a bun with a few strands flying about.

"Please have your sit I will be with you shortly" she said

I sat down with Ken sitting next to me,looking around I take in the office which was painted white. A floor lengthy bookshelf was on the left side of the room with a big file cabinet beside it. On the right was a mini fridge with beautiful child drawing stickers attached to it which sort of remind me of  the one in our kitchen back home.
The table was filled with various files and papers all over the table laying around.

"Hmm am so sorry for keeping you waiting Mr and Mrs Williams I had to send out a couple of weeks mails to someone"she said apologetic

"Oh it no problem we weren't waiting for too long" Ken answered her

There were small picture frames on her table, three to be precise. The first was a picture of herself,the next was a picture of her and a man who I guess maybe her husband and the third was a family picture of her and her husband with 3 beautiful kids a boy and two younger girls.

"Please don't mind the mess I made on my table am so tired to do any arrangement" she smiles at me after following my gaze.

"Oh that no problem" I answered feeling embarrassed but giving her a small smile.

"Now back to business"  turning her graze at Ken " Mr Williams you said something the last time we meet can we continue " she asked

" well uh uh this is my wife or should I say soon-to-be-ex-wife cos we want a divorce" he replied with a straight face.  

"Have you both talked about this? Are you sure you do not need a counsellor about this" she questioned

"We have already talked it out that what we want " he answered

"Mrs Williams what do you have to say?" She asked facing me

Raising up my head I took a deep breath in order to control my tears. Looking at her I said " to be honest I am hearing about this divorce thing for the first time but if that what he wants I guess I have to agree with him" I said quietly

Sighing she looked at the two of us" I will like to have a private talk with the two of you separately if you don't mind" she said looking at us expectantly I shrugged an ok.

"I will like to start with you Mr Williams if you don't mind, Mrs Williams can you please excuse us? She asked

"Hmm ok I guess I will just return to the reception" I said standing up and heading outside without looking back

Once I stepped out of the office the waterworks began, I just couldn't stop them. I hurriedly started looking for the restroom but I bumped into someone

"Am so sorry ma,I hope I didn't hurt you" the stranger apologized

"No no it not your fault I was the one who wasn't looking at where I was going" I replied

"That makes two of us, but sorry if I nay ask why do your face look so said your eyes are puffy like you ve been crying" he inquired

"I....I bumped my head on something that is hard that y I am in tears" I lied

"Would you be kind enough to point out the restroom for me please? I asked

No problem it just at the end of the corridor to your left" he replied

"Thank you very much"

"You welcome just don't give up on whatever is causing those tears on your face" he said hitting straight to home

I turned on my heel without replying heading straight to the restroom. Once inside I locked the door and slid down the blue tiled wall with one sentence on my mind.

What am I going to do?


Hey hornybunnies
Short? I know just been busy ok
Hope you enjoy this
Next POV will be (Drumroll)..............Ken's
yes you heard that right
Let see what he has to say.
Pics is that of my sis and her hubby.

What do you think Ken reason for the divorce will be?

Love u all though am not really sure anyone is reading this story. Anywhore I will keep writing it 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️💋💋💋💕💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️💋

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