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Am back bunnies hope you didn't miss me much. Admission has begin and I have been a Lil bit busy
Anywhore enjoy this new chapter I have for You❤❤❤💕💋💋💕💕💕💋💕💕💕💕💕💕💋💋💕💕💕💋💕

Ken's pov

Being the supervisor of my father's numerous companies is a huge task.

We have different companies and their area of specialization.

The food restaurant chain
The hotels and resorts
The plants and animal farm
The educational Institute.

Name them all we have it, my father is quiet influence and rich. So rich that he was nominated among the richest men in West Africa.

I am currently on an assignment to one of the seven stars hotel he owns named "Paradise"

Paradise is a top class hotel and resort, patronize by senators,ministers, governors and generals.

We provide world class services qnd satisfaction to our customers.

I oversee most things in the hotel qnd ensure stability. I am mostly interested in the advertising aspect of everything.

Putting things together to create lovely public awareness interest me. That is why am currently on my way to a meeting with the new advertising agency we are thinking of working with.

"Sir they are in the board room waiting for you." Lauren my PA informed me tapping furiously on her tablet.

"Alright thanks can I have the other manuscript I asked for? I requested

"Oh yes sir they are right here"she answered handling a folder to me

"Good you can go I will beep you when I am through"i dismissed her

"You have another meeting sir in the next 45minutes with Mr Carter" she informed me.

"Ops I totally forgot about that, I dont know what I will ever do without you" I say smiling at her

She turned on her heels without replying me but not before I heard her mumble a "nothing".

She has been my PA ever since I started d working at the company.  Punctual,kind  neat and organized.

But I think she has been ignoring me this days because of my divorce issue.  She totally adores lily and the kids. 

I guess you can blame Ben for snitching on me and telling her everything.

I adjusted my tie and the foldervefore stepping into the board room. I looked around the table and saw 6 people seated.  3 from the advertising company.

"Good morning people I am very sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long" I apologize before sitting down

"It no problem sir,  we didn't have to wait too long" A man seated to my right said.

"Alright then let us start this meeting. I am Mr Williams like you all know by now" I replied gesturing to the advertising group.

A man stood up "I am Mr Alibi from Mayfair Advertising company. It nice meeting you" he said before sitting

"I am Mr Gabriel"another said

Then lastly a woman rose up with a gentle smile that got me hooked "I am Mrs Jane Johnson"she said before sitting

She is wearing a silky with shirt with pencil Skirt and her hair are in ripples around her shoulder.  All in she is beautiful.

The meeting lasted for about 40minute and I was convinced that they are the best for the job so we awarded the contract to them and signed some papers.

I decided to speak to Jane after the meeting.
"Hello miss can I see you for a minute please" I asked approaching her.

"oh of course" she said.  Turning to her Collegues "Gentlemen I will be with you shortly" she told then before coming to me.

"I really love your presentation and immature say I'm quiet impressed by it"

"Thank you sir" she said smiling

"I can guess you love your job so well giving as how active you seems by it"

"oh it not a job for me it is actually a passion and I am glad we manage to impress you" she answered.

"it nothing actually but I was hoping we can continue this conversation at lunch" I asked

"Am sorry but I have to get back to work to give reports and the like.  Maybe some other time" she said

"Alright then, let me give you my contact" I said bringing out my complimentary card from my pocket and handing it to her.


I heard from my back. I tuned and saw Lauren glaring at me.

"Mr Carter is waiting for you in Your office and you don't want to keep him waiting" Lauren said giving me a death glare.

"oh yes I will join him shortly. In the main time offer him something to drink" I instructed her

" OK" she replied walking out

Turning to Jane" sorry Yb about that I guess we have to continue this at a later date"

" It was nice meeting you sir" she said stretching forth her hand for shaking

Grabbing her hand I said "The pleasure is mine"

I walked her out of the room before heading staigtht to my office for my next appointment.

💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗Author note💗💗💗💗💗

I know it will getbetter

Merry 🎄 christmas in arrears and a Happy New year in Advance





Bye Hornybunnies

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