Love making

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Sorry have been so busy working and preparing for my exams. Moreover internet connection here is always bought and every penny I get counts okay
Thank you for sticking this long💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💋💋💋

Lily Pov
"Are you through with the dishes" startled I turned around to see Ken leaning against the kitchen door wearing nothing but his joggers. I never could resist that body of his especially his abs that glitters under the kitchen white bulb

"Am almost through" I said silently

"I told you we needed an house girl for this kind of chores,you just enjoy stressing yourself out"

"Don't let us start this issue again. I enjoy these house chores am use to them okay and I don't complain to you about them"

"Oh I always seem to forget you are so domesticated"

Tensing up I turn slowly to Ken direction " just like your mother never fail to remind me am just an ordinary daughter of a dry cleaner and a fish seller"

"I do not mean it to sound out like that" Ken answered

"Hahaha I might just be the one who saw it in a different light" I replied sarcastically

"Let not argue be fast and come to the room " he said then walked out of the kitchen

Signing I looked down at my soapy hand feeling teardrop from my eye. When did it get to this point
Where is the man who help me with my chores?
Where is the man who speaks soft words to me?
Where is the man who whispers sweet nonsense to me and Iull me to bed to make love?

These were the questions running through my mind as I finish up my chores switching off the light and heading to the bedroom.

Ken laid face up on the bed, crossing over to our ensuite bathroom I locked the door silently. Stripping out of my cloth, i turn on the tap nozzle grabbing my body wash and oils while waiting for the water to heat up. I poured a few capful of my favorite vanilla body wash and a small amount of my coconut oil into the water in the tub . Stepping into the tube I sign contended as the warm water lapped my body releasing all tense muscle and body knots ,relaxing and forgetting all my worries for now.
Closing my eye, I lean into the water slowly drifting to sleep.

I was jolt awake by the loud banging on the door

"Do you want to take forever in there or  are you planning to drown yourself ni? Ken asked in his annoying voice

"Am coming shortly I fell asleep"I replied

The water has gone very cold by now. Draining the water out of the tub I step under the shower just to rinse out my body. Grabbing a towel from the stand ,I rub the water off my body and by hair before picking up my dark blue robe and securing it tightly around my waist I stepped out of the bathroom

Turning around I met Ken standing a few feet away from me. Looking at me so intensely that I was almost tempted to remove my gaze off him but I refuse. Moving close with such an accurate speed Ken drew me into his arms inhaling and sniffing at my neck.

"You smell so wonderful I can't wait to have you under me" Ken said in an husky voice before kissing at my neck.

Scooping me into his am in a bridal style with my arms around his neck and my face buried in his chest. He carried me to our four poster bed, placing me in the center before raining kisses all over me.

With no word exchange I was relieve of my robe leaving me naked and at the mercy of the cold air but not for long because I was soon grace with my husband magnificent body.

We were always sexually active , adventurous in our sex life. I just don't know when the spark shop flying now we just make love like two strangers no emotions,no sweet words just ordinary sex.

With grunt and moaning filling the air ,kisses and touching all from my husband with me none responsive just there like a log of wood. After what seems like an hour which in reality is just about 25minutes of turning my body in different position Ken finally reached his peck filling me with his seeds. After coming down from his high,he lifted his hands wiping at the tears rolling down my eyes unknowing to me .

"Are you hurt" he asked worriedly.

He rolled off the bed with a sigh heading straight for the bathroom, emerging a few minute later with a wet towel in his hand silently using it to rub my body cleaning it completely.

Turning to his side of the bed,switching off the side lamb me mummed a goodnight which I didn't respond to. I could feel his breath steadying slowly a small snore escaping his mouth. I knew he had drifted off to sleep.

I couldn't stop the flow of the tear falling for my eyes as memories flooded my mind. I have to make things right I promised myself before slowly drifting off to sleep land.
I was woken up by whistling and loud song. Rubbing the sleep off my eye and looking about I found Ken side of the bed empty.

I look around searching for my robe which I found lying at the foot of the bed. I stood up to secure it around me before detecting that the noise was coming from the bathroom.

I smiled fondly at myself because Ken only wake up in such good mood after a night of love making or rather after sex.   

Ken spend approximately 45minutes in the bathroom ;brushing, pooing,shaving and bathing. Singing and whistling is one of the things that follows in those mornings.

I was lost in thought that I didn't know when Ken step into the room until he bang the bathroom door loudly startling me from my thought. Looking up I mumbled a good morning which was met with silence.

He step into the closet while I rearrange the bed and grabbed the dirty cover.

Wrapping the covers,I step in my flip flops ready to take them to the laundry room before the voice of my husband stops me.

"Get ready on time because we have a meeting with a lawyer" he announce making my heart beat stop for a moment.

Omg!! This is not happening

"We head out in the next 2hours so do whatever you want to do on time" he said again.

Nodding my head in his direction before walking to the door like a statue not able to controlling the waterfall. It finally time.


OMG this has to be my longest chapter ever it took so long for me to finish this.
It my dad that spends 45mins in the bathroom I mean what do people do there? I only spend like 8minutes maxi there

How long do you take in the bathroom?

Bye Hornybunnies 💋💋💋💋💕💕💕💕💋💋💕💕💋💕💋💋💕😜💋💕💋

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