Xmas 🎊 Special (bonus chapter)

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Hey guys thanks for the good words. I am still grieving but I just can't leave u guys hanging, so I decided to drop the Xmas special chapter which is not really relevant to the storyline but still part of it. It is more of a bonus chapter than a main plot.

❤❤❤HAPPY NEW YEAR ❤❤❤❤ 2018❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋


I roll around the bed trying to feel Ken's presence. The other side of the bed is cold and empty like he was out of it a couple of hours ago.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up just to get settled before standing.

I head to the bathroom to wash my face,put on my robe and brush my teeth before going down stairs

I finger combed my hair and descended down the stairs. A loud bang and laughing caught my attention and I walked straight to the source which happen to be the kitchen.

I stood silently at the door not making a noise as I watch my husband and children trying go make toppings for the large amount of cupcakes the made.

Flours and butter on their face and all over they kitchen they appear so messy. I just wish I could capture the moment, then I remembered I had my phone in my robe pocket

Taking it out I tried as quietly as possible to capture then unaware.

I guess the click of the camera alerted them of my presence.

"mummy.... " Andre my last born screeched running towards me with his flour covered body and messy face.

Picking him up I kissed him.

"Hello my cutie, what are you making" I inquired

"Cupcakes with vanilla topping"Amber my second born shouted out

I step forward while placing Andre on the counter stool.

My husband moved towards me and that was when I noticed he was only in his swear pant and a hot pink apron around his neck and I will tell you that is something I will not forget in a long time

"Hey babe I was just about to come and wake you"he said kissing my neck. "Did you sleep well enough" he asked

"I did honey and had such a wonderful dream" I answered. Kissing his lips sweetly.

"Eww gross Andre cover your eyes"Athena my first daughter said causing us to stop and Ken to laugh.

"We made your favourite Mummy. Strawberry flavored pancakes with scrambled eggs and chocolate smoothie" Athena said dragging me to the kitchen dinning table while Amber pulled out a seat for me.

"Huh to what do I own all this pampering"i asked looking all four faces

Placing a plate of pancakes and a cup of chocolate smoothie before me. Ken kissed me and said " For being the best wife and woman of the year"

"And for being the best mother in the world Ho please world"Andre answered sitting on my laps.

The pancake tasted heavenly although a little bit sugary but why should I complain after so much love and combined efforts was put in preparing it.

After a couple of bite I asked a question that got me worried..

"But why so many Cupcakes anyways?"

"Oh this, the children had the idea of spelling the whole merry Christmas Baby Jesus letters out. And how could I have resisted their requests not after those cute faces they made" Ken replied

"Hmm ok, so how is the covering and toppings going" I asked knowingly

"Actually mum we may have a tiny problem about that"Athena said sheepishly.

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