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so sorry guys here is another update for you Bunnies❤❤❤Pics above is me.  How do i look? 💕❤❤💕💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤

Ken's pov

"You cant just leave this house and return any freaking time you want, you are a wife for crying out loud" i bellowed in anger

"Excuse me please what did i just hear u say?  me a wife or what" she replied

"The last time i checked i am a free woman,  a divorcee, single woman who is ready to mingle"

"As long as you are still under this roof you will have to abide by every single rules in the house" i replied

"Which are what? i am sick and tired of this house,  i need to breath in fresh air.  I just cant wait to move into the new apartment i just got or should i just pack out now" she asked smiling

"You know we had an agreement,you cant leave this house until after the election. Moreover the kids will be back for their holiday soon. We have to keep the facade" I said

"Keep the kini(what)? Kini eleyi n ba mi so? (what is this one telling me)? Are you for real? what foolish act do you want me to keep up am done with that pretending nonsense.  Like the kids do not know already" she said rolling her eyes

"Know what woman? what are you not telling me? I hope you have not gone ahead to poision the mind of those innocent kids?  I asked

"Poison what mind?  The kids know what going on from the quarrels to the divorce process.  They know everything including how their father is a coward and their grandma the evil who orchestra everything"

"How dear you go ahead to tell my children all those lies?  how dear you huh? " i moved angrily towards her prepared to strike her face but her hand stopped me

"What do you think you want to do ehn?  i didn't know you have added wife beating to your long list and let me remind you one thing.  i am their mother, i carried them for nine months each, backed  them for 3yrs each. Neither sleep nor slumber when they cry at night and they suckled on this breast endlessly. Now tell me who they will believe, you,your mother or me. Good night Mr Williams"  She walked out leaving me stunned.

I was so amazed that i didnt even know for how long i was actually standing until i felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Oga, oga your food is ready" the house girl said

"Alright you can go" i replied

"Hope no problem sir"

"Did i tell you anything is wrong with me" i shouted at the poor girl who trembled out of my sight. 

God!! what is all this? I am just so frustrated.

After eating and relaxing i went to my facebook account just to check what has been happening. 

I saw a message from one of the girls i do chat witg regularly, she was asking for a hook up. I guess it wont hurt to see her somewhere.

I was about to reply her the location when an idea pop up in my mind.

"haha"i shouted standing up and whistling as i head to my room to get prepared.

❤❤❤Time skip ❤❤❤

"So this is my humble abode, feel free and comfortable okay" i said grinning at my beautiful guest.

"This is beautiful, wow so lovely and homely" she replied in awe

" You can have your sit while i get you something to drink, Whiskey or Wine? i inquired

"A glass of red wine is okay" she answered lowering herself on one of the sitting room couch.

"Coming straight up" i gave her a peck on the checks.

So basically i decided to just bring the girl to the house after my chat with her. Her name is Tonia, We met and hanged out before coming home. She is curvy and beautiful but i just want to spite Lily that why i brought her home and since it a friday i guess we have the whole weekend to groove around.

I got the wine from the mini bar and headed to the sitting room.

"So tell me more about yourself and all" she said facing me after sipping her wine.

"Well am an engineer and i own a construction compan........... "
At this point i was wondering wher Lillian was.

"We construct roads and building...."i was saying when the devil herself walked in.

"Hey hello" she said cheerfully, streching her hand towards Tonia

"Hello am Tonia" Tonia reolied gripping her outstretched hand.

"I am Lillian but you can call me Lilly or Susu" she replied smiling at Tonia.

i looked at her suspiciously cause i dont k NJ ow thw kind of game she is playing.

"I am Ken's housemate and you must be the beauty he kept talking about" Liian said making me look at her wide my eyes wide open.

" Oh really,  i didnt know he talked about me. Awww that so sweet of you Ken" Tonia answered looking at me lovingly

For my mind i was wondering what was doing this mumu (foolish) girl, blushing like someone who wants to fuck.

"It a pleasure meeting you,  i have to leave you two lovebirds to your things. Call me if u need anything okay" Lilly said taking her leave

"Alright lilly, i will do just that" she replied

"wow you have a cool housemate, i like her." Tonia cooed

"why wont you like her" i grumbled under my breath

"So what would you like to take" oh asked her

"I am okay for now,  i will tell you if i need anything Ken" She answered leaning on my shoulder and we continued our conversation.

I just cant wait to get laid it been so long and i am so frustrated,  this are my thought throughout our talk.


I know, i know 5 month is such a long time for an update and i wikl like to say a big thank you to all my lovely readers for sticking this far with me.

I love you all so much it hurt my heart 💋💋❤❤❤❤❤💋
I will try to update as often as i can cause am finally a break from school.

Please Vote and Comment so i will know and feel encourage to write more. Sorry about all errors it is not edited yet.

Bye hornybunnies 💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞

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