Chapter-3 An unwanted Process

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Obito continued to hold his head for a long time. He didn't know what the mist did to him, but he didn't want it to work. Of course, it was working, whatever it intended to do, Obito was sure it had worked.

To scramble his mind or something, that must be what this was doing.

Obito slowly let go of his head. "I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything." Obito turned his head. He heard a chain move again. "I'm guessing you want to know what the mist is doing?" Obito didn't respond but the voice continued anyway.

"It makes you forget, forget all the good things in your life." The voice was quiet, a lot quieter than it was before. Obito furrowed his eyebrows. "Why just the bad ones?" There was no response for some time. As Obito didn't actually say anything out loud.

"It doesn't matter. What you know and don't know. Soon, you won't even remember that I told you this in the first place." Obito pursed his lips.

The darkness was really getting to Obito. He felt like he saw things flick around his eyes but when he would reach out nothing would be there. Is this a effect of the mist? Or just Obito going crazy, and having hallucinations.

Obito slumped against the wall. The hope of escaping this place is dwindling, much like last time when he was with Madera. He was sure he could escape, but then he never did. "Maybe it will be last minute, like last time." Obito smiled at the thought.

He had been excited to see Rin and Minato-sensei again even Kakashi. He wanted to know how they were doing. Obito's smile faded. If he really was going to forget all the good things, then he won't remember anyone from the leaf. Not even... Obito's thoughts paused for a moment.

A slow and steady panic rising in his chest. He could even remember that one old lady he helped. He remembered her name before he got here, now he doesn't. Obito:s mouth quivered at the now obvious fact.

He really was going to forget everything.

Obito tried to fight it, but eventually he fell asleep.

When Obito woke up, he felt tired but was wide awake. There was mist going off when he woke up. He doesn't know what to remember because it doesn't feel like he forgot anything. He still remember's Rin and Kakashi, Kushina and Minato. But he doesn't feel like he forgot anything.

Obito found himself lost in thought, thinking about his past.

It was like that for a few hours. The guy brought out food and he ate it, still wanting to barf. The guy with the smile didn't come though. "I suppose he was just fixing the mist things." Obito narrowed his eyes. How long was this going to continue?

By what Obito guessed was the end of the day, the mist went off again. But for a longer duration of time. Obito tried to get out of the way of the mist but it comes from the cieling as well. Once the most stops Obito stops to think again.

He still remember's everyone, maybe he forgot civilians? He was thinking about everyone individually, thinking about all the memory's he could muster of them.

There had been a time when he was hit with a Shurikan on the hand while training. "I just pulled it out didn't I?" It doesn't feel right, something different must have happened he just didn't remember.

Obito shook his head. He can still remember the memory, so that must have been what happened. He slid back down the wall again and let himself fall back to sleep.

It was a constant painful loop. If he moved wrong the ring would cut him. He couldn't stay in one spot on the hard ground for too long either. Then the Mist would come, Obito guessed about twice a day.

Obito felt his eyes grow heavy at some point during the mist. He fought to stay awake but it was pointless his head drooped and he fell asleep.

The dreams that he usually had were no longer there. It was just him and the darkness. He didn't feel tired after he woke up. So he put his knees up to his chest and buried his head in the warmth of his own body.

Suddenly the door swings open. It's the smiling guy. He doesn't come up to Obito's cell, but to another. The guy opens the cell and reaches for a kid inside. Except it isn't a kid, it's a decomposing corpse.

Obito's heart sinks as he watches the man drag the boy away. The boy had no nose. The door remained open for some time until the smiling man cursed and closed the door again. "He mast have forgotten." Thought Obito.

It's strange. Strange that, despite Obito's keen sense of smell, the smell of the decomposing kid didnt even bother him. Now that he looks back on it, the smell had been there ever since he even gotten there. Did he really just ignore it?

Obito sighed frustrated. His memory's that correlated to the people he knew, like his team were fading. But not the people themselves. Why had the elderly lady that he knew, he forgot?

Obito's eyes widened. No he remembers the old lady, he just doesn't remember how he knew her in the first place. Will he only remember what they looked like? But not their names or who they were as people?

Obito panicked but it quickly disappeared. His eyes went blank. "Why would I care anyway?"

The reason he wanted to become a ninja was blank to him. He didn't even remember his motivation to wanting to become one. He talked to Rin about it on a bench if Obito recalled correctly, he told her about what he strived to be, but he didn't remember anymore, maybe that just means it wasn't important in the first place.

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