Funny Game Called Love

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Love is a funny game. You lost your heart go, knowing there is a chance that it will be given back. You can turn to a heartless soul and give up on love all together. Living your days as a grumpy person with no joy left to give.

Remember the times you told that one person you loved them how you felt like you were floating in a cloud because they said it back to you with so much love in their heart? Love is a funny game. You never know when it will stop.

The late night chat, cuddle times. Cute little messages for you to know that you are loved by a person who wanted you by their side. The moments you missed, then through your the day send a quick message I am thinking of you.

Happy days turn to lonely nights. Miss messages that don't come for days. Knowing that love is a funny game to play, you give up your heart, hoping they keep it as something they want forever.

Watching the spark in their eye fade, to let's be friends and see what may. Smile on your face trying yo stay brave as your heart breaks. Telling them it's okay. As you let them walk away.

Holding onto your memories of the words they spoke of loving you. Bring you hope that love still exists that you will find love again. Loving someone is a funny game. You never know how long they will feel the same.

So you can be the one to give up on love and live alone in a world of people never knowing who is the one for you. Letting them pass you by for you gave up inside on this funny game of love. We all play hoping we find our true love.

This funny game we call love will break your heart over and over again till you find the one willing to love every broken piece you caring. Helping you rebuild your heart to learn to let it go again. Giving your love once more.

Don't turn cold or give up on love, your person is out there wait on you. Going through the same process as you. Giving their heart, hoping to find love, wanting to feel it so deeply as you. Love is a funny game we play. I'm the end we fight for another day to find our other half.

So I may not be the winner this time. Watch you live your life. I pick up my heart that you gave me back. Loving myself like no one has. Watching the sunrise on this beautiful day wait to find the love for me. Playing this funny game called love. I believe we all have a chance to find the one that is right for us. Not always who we expected.

Learning this one key trick in this funny games called love. You can't hold on to an idea of what you want. It is the unpredictable left field total opposite of what you want. That finds you and shows you love. A love that is really one of a kind that makes you feel so alive.

So don't give up on love, just don't put a label on what love looks like for you. You will miss out on an amazing person if you do and just might walk away from the love of your life. Life is too short to not let love in. Find your heart and let it soar to find its other half in the funny game called love.

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