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( Hastinapur Raj Sabha)

Entire sabha has been illuminated just it has been always ......makes it easy to forget the heinous acts committed there....... disrobing and pawning off of an woman, dividing an entire kingdom full of people just for the sake of familial quarrel, stealing brides without having any regard for their wishes and expectations, ignoring a healthy child for throne because of their lineage, easily usurping a rightful heir for to pave way for own children.......

Most of the esteemed faces are already present and ready for the sabha to start. By a silent approval from Samrat Dhritarastra, Mahamantri Vidur says with a loud and clear voice-

Today we would be reevaluating Vasudev's proposal .......

Without giving any chance to the doorman to announce, yuvraaj struts into the sabha with his mighty loyal friend walking beside him with long strides. Wavy black hair touching the mighty shoulders, glistening body peeking from the white uttariya still showing the after effects of his early morning astra charcha, gada hold in his confident hands in a loosely careless sort of way which no one will even dream of mistaking as weakness. The crown prince asserts in a booming voice-

 That would not be necessary uncle....

Those words leave lines in Grand sire's forehead. Says he, with a imploring tone- not take any decision hastily.....think carefully first.

Duryodhana answers with a sly grin-

Oh..... Grandpa! I think you are going to like this one. What I am saying......(Suyo pretends to think)....OHHH....YES.... there is no need for any discussion....because no war is going to happen. 

- " Whaaa......what? what exactly do you mean putra?" asked mahamantriji.

- That I want to stop the war.

Mamashree Sakuni asks with astonishment -


May be his mama is surprised but Suyo could imagine the flabbergasted look in every face in the sabha even without looking.......well almost every face .....thought he as he catches the eyes of Vasu and Aswa.... reaally!!! Does nothing Suyo say surprise those two? It is like they anticipate everything Suyo is about to say or do.

-" So...I take are prepared to be parted with the five villages your cousins demand?"

Asked Vasudev with a mischevious look.

- NO... I AM NOT.

And entire sabha erupts into chaos.

Suyo looks at Vasu...his eldest...his mitr....and just continues to stare....who knows for what ...may be guidance...may be courage.And his mitr also does not break eye contact. At the last moment of delivering his decision, Suyo feels a little helpless. 

Suddenly he feels a presence on his back.....He did not even notice Aswathama moving until he stood behind his back. Some one is holding his hand....mitr.....

With a gentle and indulging smile, Vasu prodded 

- need to clarify...what is it you want?

He understands his friends already know what he is going to say and are backing him up. He takes a deep breath and utters with a loud voice.....

 I have decided to return Indraprasth  to my cousins with all of the wealth and status SAMRAT YUDHISTIR lost in dice. 

- " And if that is not enough?" says Vasudev .

- I also will publicly apologise to my bhabhishree devi Draupadi for the heinous act I ordered my brother to commit. Infact my darling wife  has already asked me to apologise to every woman of my kingdom. I am going to do that very soon. Please extend my apology to her....I would have personally gone but I do not believe that would be welcomed......

-WHY.......are you doing this?

Mamashree sakuni stilll is in shock as it seems.

WHY....INDEED....thought Suyo looking at karn......

-" BECAUSE ".......says duryodhan with a serious look....." I do not want to fight anymore..... SIMPLE" , he completes with an angelic smile....." NOW EXCUSE ME".....

Suyodhan exits sabha just like he has entered an earthquake.

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