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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

Suyodhan feels like struck by a thunder. He is horrified at the words coming out of his friend's mouth , appalled at the barely disguised disregard in his tone. He prepares his mind to face the backlash surely to come at his friend's way and Vrushali di does not even lose more than a moment. When her voice is heard, the chilliness makes his skin break into goose pimples .

- Do you really think this  to be my unresolved grief or is that ANGRAAJ KARN's guilt talking?   Always expecting imaginary slights coming your way;even after so many years you still believe me to blame you for the disastrous harm destiny chose to struck us with!!!  Suspecting everyone and everything you come across is what gotten you into this present, I believe. Never have thought you would direct it at me though. The insults you have faced through out childhood and adolescence ,has long since stopped courtesy of your friend.Stop finding it everywhere. Any time now would be good choice for you to DO SO.

 His friend wisely chose to remain silent. Good for him.

- No parent really ever gets over such a shock. Instead of the self-condemnation you chose to bear, it would have helped  if you supported  your soulmate in the daily struggles in the first few days. Vrushasen may be the first but Sudaman is the one to love you the most , to call you father first. His loss is not the one either of us can ever compensate. No other child in your life  will ever replace that place . And it is same for me.

By saying this Vrushali di moves towards the nearest window-pane. Her voice has lost the steeliness . The sounds coming from her seems to be earnest tries to stop tears.

- never said!

Vrushali di replies with a broken voice-

- Do you know how hard it was to get up the next day and do anything? How dissociated I felt from anything? I could not find the will to do daily activities. And you, HUSBAND, chose to repent and self-harm. You decided in your mind Vrushali would blame me , curse me.....

- You did not?

- Even then you should have been there. I was angry. That did not mean I stopped longing for your hands to hold me strong when I  break apart , for us to bear our sorrow together. Just like always you chose to do that alone and forced me to harden myself to be the support of our families. I have made peace with my hurt to serve my family, your family and YOU. It is time you do that. 

- And for the record , I am not  doing it for Sudaman . You of all should know that!

Neither of them speak for a long time.

- I am arranging an emergency special court to be held soon. Whatever decision you want, can be taken there accordingly.

- Public.


- A public court in presence of all common people. I want my king to give a verdict not my husband. And I want every citizen to be the spectator to that.

- Why?

- So every mother knows to fight for their rights . Even if the decision does not go to my favor, it will still pave a way for the next pleas to come. And if the queen cannot  come forward to do it who else would?

Mitra answers in a bit.



Court proceedings continue in a swift way. After all , more than hundred come to this court to submit their woes to their King twice a week. The number is so much due to their King's frankness . The citizen believe anything can be solved by their king and no matter how little their problem is , King is going to listen to everyone.

Today whispering move through the halls much more than any other day . Reason is the beautiful lady standing among the people who are standing before the King to plead their case.

-This is the last today, Sire. Considering the nature of situation and the importance of the person who is asking, I still think it would have been better to deal it in the special court. But QUEEN strongly suggested this to be held here. So I have kept it as the last.

Says the courtier.

Karn knows just how stubborn his wife can be.


The courtier starts speaking after stumbling through his words-

- Devi Vrushali wishes for her child's name to be put in registry as is customary for every citizen in ANGA. She claims to give birth of her three week son at her in-laws home. She......uh..... says that her husband refuses to accept her child and assimilate him to their family due to social pressure. She pleads to the King to grant her separation from her husband and ..... and wishes to start a family with her new-born. She wishes to register her child with her name as a sole parent.

Entire sabha falls into silence. Karn feels like his throat has been choked with fright and ice, maybe it is icy fear. Vrushali....correction.... his Queen is merciless.

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