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Vrushali bites her tongue in annoyance. Despite trying utmost to appear dignified and sophisticated in front of their esteemed guests , it seems Vasu and her is always going to end up airing their  disagreement out open. Who knows what Empress and Prince might be thinking about them?

Having entered into the sabha, Vrushali's hasty steps comes to a standstill. Though she has imagined this reunion to happen many times by now, her heart fills with a calmness and  soft exclamation pushes out of her throat-



( Kunti Kingdom)

Princess Kunti has been strolling along her personal gardens for the last time as today marks the day she would be starting her new life with her prince in a new kingdom. Wrapped in the richest silks and bedecked  top to bottom with priceless jewelry , Princess is waiting for her charioteer appointed by her new husband. Though they were supposed to leave together as is custom, Prince Pandu went forward for some urgent business. He assured her that he would join later before entering the kingdom and send a trusted charioteer to take her to Hastinapur.

- Pranipaat, Princess.

The voice made her turn towards the newcomer. A rather generic looking man but with a strong stout body.This is the charioteer. She feel s a little awkward going on a journey with perpetual stranger. Still finding inner strength, she replies

- Pranipaat. You may call me Devi Kunti.

- I am Satyasen, Devi.

- Prince Pandu has informed me of you. Are we to leave now?

- We can leave anytime you want. I understand your apprehension so I have brought someone along with me . I hope you will feel at ease with her.

Princess Kunti accompanies him to the chariot from which the cutest little angel pokes her head out. Barely five summers but with huge curious black eyes, soft fair skin and loveliest smile signing that this ball of sweetness one day is going to grow up into a beauty.  

- Baba , you told me I am going to see a princess if I sit there and wait silently. I am waiting like forever and ever. When I am going to see one?

Chuckling at his daughter's enthusiasm and eagerness, he moves aside and says

- This is my only daughter, Vrushali. I thought you might like a companion in the way. She is very eager to meet you .

- Woah!! A princess, a real life princess. I have never seen one before. You are so beautiful . You look prettier than the stories I heard from ma. 

The kid jumps out and Kunti hastily moves forward to catch her in her arms lest she falls. Kunti looks at the ray of sunshine that is currently in her arms. Up close she can say she is meeting the prettiest baby in her life. At the same moment her heart roars with pang, her eldest probably would have been the same age as this girl by now. But he would not.... for his cruel devil of a mother has been a coward,foolish little girl and has drowned him. God will not probably gift her with another treasure like him in this life anymore. 

Kunti does not know what draws her to this little one but her heart wants to embrace her in her arms and never let go.

- Wow, You are wearing a crown!

Says the cutie and promptly tries to tug it out.Her father admonishes

- Baby, you are gonna hurt her if you do that.

- Let her, Satyasen Mohoday. Tell me putri, do you want one?

- No it is probably itchy. Mamma likes to put things in my head too. I do not like that at all.

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