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Though he did calmly respond to Vasudev, his entire being is getting restless with the last conversation. From Dwarkadish's words it is very clear he will try to reveal this secret sooner not later. THAT MEANS........

Actually ......he does not know what it means. One thing he knows clearly he would not be able to let go of Vasu easily. Ha has lost so much and so many to Pandavas......his uncles , parents, people, kingdom, wealth, respect.....

But Vasu.....Vasu he will fight for tooth and nail. IT'S BAD DURYODHAN.....VERY BAD ....DO NOT THINK LIKE THIS.....he is your friend .....not your belongings........

Suyo tries to clear his mind by moving his head around.....

THINK....Suyo ....think about Vasu ....what will he want? If he wants to go? What will you do then?

He does not have much time left.....he have to prepare his mind for everything. What matters most is Vasu's happiness........ and if that lies elsewhere....he would be ready for that.

After all  there is hardly anything left to salvage between two Kuru families....... 

He will do what he have to do in future....may be Vasu will be one  to bind them together .....a thin string of hope....a lotus in the pond.....

For now Vasu is his and he will bask in the warmth of his mitr's company and love...... make up as much as he can to prepare for the dark and lonely days ahead......

 Having his mind made up,he descends down the stairs into the courtyard. If everything goes south, he will let their journey end where all of it has been started. Let Dwarkadish bury their friendship in ANGA........ he wants last sweet memory of his friend at his place of solace so that it can keep his heart warm forever and more.


.... WHAAA.....WHAT???

Suyo sees Vasu waving his palms in front of his face like a lunatic.

-What got you so serious?

- Oh.....ummmm....nothing ? Actually you know what.... you are absolutely right ..... I am becoming too serious. So I need relaxation.

- really do...

Vasu says gently.

- Shall I fetch your attendant and charioteer to arrange a getaway?

- No need.... I am coming with you to Anga....sooooo.....-

- So ?

Vasu quirks his eyebrows.

- Invite me?

Suyo tries to make his eyes seem bigger to appear innocent which unfortunately results in making his face full of mischief.

Vasu chortles and his entire frame shakes with mirth.

- Aaaaand since when do you ask permission? Yours are more like.....

Karn mimics in Suyo's pleading tone....

- Mitrrr....send a messenger to Vrushali di to make my favourite sweets.....I wanna eat those...... drive me.....NOWWWWW......

Suyo has found the decency to look bashful.

- So when do you want to go?

 Vasu asks with a smile. And all Suyo's newfound shyness is gone out the window. He demands gleefully-

- Now.

- Now!!!...... right now??? What about your clothes and things and such?

- What is the need of that.....I will just steal yours.....

- SOOOOO....... MATURRREEEEE........

Vasu shakes his head.

- Well you know-

- AHEM ? Might I draw uncle's and your attention to the fact ..... Baba is still in his nightclothes.

Says Kumara .  Ketu is in his arms babbling happily.

- Change your clothes Suyo....


- Yes.... I  have asked to prepare your chariot. So hurry.....

- Why....won't you ride with me?

-WELL......NO.... I will drive you. Seeing your urgency, I think none else will suit you currently. Besides ....

Vasu pauses dramatically then says

- Vrushu is awaiting you.

- mitr are so nice.... wait.... Bhabi is waiting!!.... chariot is being prepared... howwwww.......whyyyyy?

- How  is  I already let Vrushu know last night that we will reaching anga by today evening so she will be arranging our dinner.  And why is because I was sure you are going to ask something like this sooner or later. SO make haste..... YOUR VACATION IS CALLING YOU.......

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