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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

Queen has been standing on her balcony looking at the horizon mesmerized by the setting sun when uncertain footfalls reach her ears. Though those sounds are vague enough to warn her of the identity of her intruder, Vrushali smiles looking ahead. Her room which has started to darken , is set ablaze with the presence of the newcomer.Who but her husband could have such uncanny resemblance to the aura of the sun. If not that then certainly her husband's wild heartbeats would have tipped her off.

- Astounding , last time your heartbeats were this wild , was when we met again after our estrangement during your gurukul days. Have we become that distant again? 

Vasu curses inwardly. He should really meditate before attempting contact with her.

-Sure Vrush! be oblivious , as if distance is what makes my heart race at the sight of you.

He thinks to himself.

Karn moves towards the crib almost afraid to linger on the thoughts of his unruly mind. The baby is sleeping peacefully unaware of the turmoils his mother has faced to keep him with her. Vrushali comes to stand directly behind him and puts her hand on the handle of the crib.With her nearly at the same height as him, it feels like she is bracketing him. She whispers in his ear-

- Go ahead , pick him up. Do not be so afraid! He does not have teeth yet.

Karn feels grounded with the comforting weight of the baby in his arms. Despite having many, each child feels unique and special to him,like a new experience again. He hums softly.

- Where is your shadow by the way ?

Karn frowns.

- Now that you mention it!

- Can I enter, Vrushali di? I want to meet the baby.

A curious head appears with half of the body hanging with the support of the door almost to the point of falling off.

Husband and wife exchange a smile. Vrushali answers-

- You are three-fourth inside, little prince.

- I....umm.....

- Come inside.

Suyodhan happily moves towards his friend to peek at the baby.

- What you are going to call him?

- Suyo, Your friend names all of our children.

- I know that di.

- Mitr, This time I know Vrushali has already chosen a name for the little one.

- How did you know?

- His origin is unique . Why would not his naming be the same ?

- RUDRA, he will be called.

- Di, the god of destruction?

- Destruction is the harbinger of creation. Sometimes when nothing is working anymore, one needs to destroy before starting anew.

- Well his presence certainly knocked down a few of our societal barriers.

Grumbles Vasu.

- I could have claimed him. Or we could have adopted him together.

- Vasu , in Anga, every unclaimed children are ours to name, feed , clothe and raise.They are identified  as the sons and daughters of King and Queen. They are loved, accepted and cherished. But will that relieve the yearning in their mind ? Will they stop wondering about their family ?

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