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- Mata, do you think it is safe? We have just got you back here. So soon after the peace treaty, if something goes wrong?

grumbles the youngest pandava. Afterall he is the one most attached to Kunti.

-DEVA, always so distrustful of every situation. I was not " kept" there, I stayed at my in-laws house where a widow should be after her husband's death. I admit the situation is tumultuous but child , I have always went with jiji to shiv pujan every year. My absence this year can raise questions so soon into the peace treaty.

counterargues devi kunti. Sahadeva might be wisest still kunti is the one who raised him.

- Mata is right ARYA and I would be accompanying her too as I am a "KULVADHU".UGH.......There is no word in the world disgusts me more. 

-NONONO!You can not Panchali. I can not let you go to the damned palace again. I beg you please stop this madness.

- Arya we need this. If one wishes a peace treaty to work, hands must be eager on both sides to want to smooth the ruffled ends.

- YOU ARE THE ONE saying that! where is my fiery wife who vowed for revenge from all kauravas. 

- KURUS, I said. Draupadi who sought retribution, mother of little children, wished to have a swift justice. Not after long 15 years, when her adult children will also take part in a war with warriors thousand times more experienced than they are.

- We would have protected them Panchi.

says rajkumar Arjun in a low voice.

- Right!!! 

Arjun felt his throat becoming dry hearing that tone . Draupadi says in a low tone -

- when justice is being served wrapped in my husbands' need of recovering their lost inheritance, one tends to lose interest in those facts. 

- devi!!

- anuj, stop. About time we let Panchali decide and do what she wants, no? She has followed enough on this family's whims after all. I would also be going with them. Duryodhan is not even present there and mama Shakuni has gone back to Gandhar.

- Putra Duryodhan has always accompanied me and jiji to mandir!

-I heard he is at his friend's. He will directly join Barima there. 

- And Shakuni mama?

 asks a surprised Sahadev. Rarely Shakuni leaves Hastinapur.

- Who knows? May be he is also surprised at this shocking change in Duryodhan . Heaven knows we all are.

mumbles Arjuna. He does not know why the mischievious smile of Madhav says to him he knows something about it.

- I just can not believe you are this calm about the war not happening. How can you forgive them? THEM?

- I do not. May be I should. I forgave you after all!!!! I do not wish to talk about this more. War will bring lose to both sides. In my age, I am unable to bear those.

Panchali says with a final tone with her tear-filled eyes set on her sakha's understanding eyes. Her eyes held pain for her justice would never be served.

Vasudev mutters under his breath-


Your vow to destroy Kurus will come. Truth that is going to unravel will destroy the KURU and from the pyre of their burned heart will forge a new KURU SAMRAJYA all would be proud to be a part of. One is burning already and rest is to GO............

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