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- Stupid! Totally stupid!! Should have heeded the warnings!!!

She thinks to herself while trying utmost to regain control of her chariot.

Stubborn,headstrong and obstinate,they would say. How embarrassing will her entrance be  in a first time diplomatic visit to Anga with broken pelvis , fractured leg, a broken spine and  hemorrhagic head-wound.That too in Angraaj's kingdom!Again how embarrassing! She really should stick to given advice.

They have reached the outskirts of Anga when Empress Gandhari's  and her charioteers did express their wishes to rest the horses at least a prahar or two. Arjun,not being fond of sitting idle at a place for long,was quickly starting to appear restless and fidgety. So was Balahaka. Being a warrior's horse, he is used to running longer duration at a stretch. Arjun's most favorite companion who matches his temperament and spirit, is a gift from Krishna himself. With permission, Arjuna went ahead riding  Balahaka towards Anga Palace and did not ask her once whether she would like to accompany him or not. How rude! 

She was fighting a strong urge to lay down for rest when a messenger has arrived with the news of Prince Duryodhan coming to welcome and accompany his mother and guests from here. It was then she started planning to go alone ahead. Her husband is already there.  What could go wrong ? 

And now she is stuck here and would be lucky to get out of this debacle with her life intact. Her control on reins almost slipped due to violent movements her chariot is facing due to the wild horses and her eyes has got closed out of terror.


Vrushali has been strolling around simant of the kingdom  with Ira like most of the days. Ira is  gorgeous with glistening obsidian black coat and soulful intelligent eyes but has surprisingly fiery attitude for a mare. Vrushali is about to move towards the main city when the unmistakable sound of gallop reaches her trained ears. Focusing her concentration more, She also could hear sounds of a chariot. She makes eye contact with Ira and mounted her swiftly the latter understanding her companion's wish to save another hapless person.

Soon the chariot with its wild horses enter into the their visual field. It  is proceeding rapidly to the direction of the cliff. Vrushali curses and gallops Ira parallel with the chariot. She addresses the flailing woman to give her a hand so she can help her jump into her horse. But words do not appear to reach her ears. Desperate, she jumps into the death-trap.

Having felt their rein on an experienced and trained hand, the horses do calm a bit but still Vrushali has to force a lot to try to steer them back in canter. She feels the reins cut into her hands and the distance between them and the cliff getting lesser.Shouts she

- Please , hold onto me tight.

and applies her whole might to slow the chariot which stops a hair's breadth away from the cliff. Vrushali heaves a sigh of relief and turns towards the stranger. The woman who has been holding her with a death grip , moves a bit sensing that the current danger has passed away. She looks at her with grateful eyes when a sudden jerk of the chariot pushes her into her arms. Vrushali absorbs the impact and prevents her demise by holding onto her waist. One of the wheels have given away. 

Vrushali jumps off the chariot and moves to inspect it.

- You need to discard your chariot, Devi. I can repair and send it back to you if you wish.

This reminds her she has left the woman in the chariot.


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