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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

Karn lets a long sigh and mentally thanks Suryadev for lending him strength today. He puts down his crown to his throne and swiftly crosses the little distance between his and the Queen's throne.

Entire sabha erupts into confusion and hushed murmurs. It is unusual for the king to put down his crown before leaving court after all.

Karn reaches his heart and promptly kneels at her feet . Vrushali nearly jumps out of her seat but the strong beautiful hands on her feet keeps her steady. Nobody leaves as if their feet are stuck to their respective places.What on earth Karn is doing! Karn starts to speak bowing his head but the loud distinct voice resonates throughout court-hall.

- And as your husband , Devi Vrushali , I request you to include me in your child's life and yours'. I am sorry that I was unable to accept your child. I am sorry that my fear and hurt made me unable to stand by your decision. But I promise I will try not to cave into societal pressure. I will try not to let the words floating around your name and reputation inflict any pain on me.

Karn's throat choke up in emotion but he still forces his words out.

- Forgive me Vrushu and give me a chance....

- I will consider the matter husband.

- may be a more private setting, Arya?

Vrushali whispers bending a little near Karn's ear.

Karn as if notices all the people in the sabha just now. Cringing to himself for not noticing whether the Sabha has been cleared away or not in his hurry to reach Vrushu, he awkwardly moves his fingers through his silky locks.

- Sorry ?

He offers sheepishly and presents one palm open to her on which rests a pair of beautiful but simple toe-rings. The significance is not lost on her. Neither is to her citizens it seems as they erupt into cheers.

- May I ?

That's it, Vrushali will say she is a hard-hearted woman but she puts a hand over her face desperate trying to cover her blush which seems to be coming in full force to bloom her cheeks. In so many years into her marriage, but still Karn's declaration of his love through his often unusual actions , astonishes her.

Vasu puts her feet over his palm and asks permission by keeping his eyes steady on her. She nods unable to form even a single word due to the overwhelming emotions coursing through her. He pushes the rings through her toes. His fingers put shiver into her entire form.

Every time Karn has gifted her a pair after the birth of their children. But this is something unprecedented.

She just wanted to stand by women and children separated because of society. She wishes to support people so nobody has to abandon their child whether it is for stigma or money or fear or anything one of which must have happened in her beloved's case. But as usual for her Karn, whatever she wishes, he just gives thousand fold more.

Worst of all , her husband probably still is ignorant to the fact that his own childhood has prompted this out of Vrushali. He does not know of her attempts to maintain an ashram where she keeps deserted and cast-out children sometimes young women . She tries to reunite babies with their lost parents. In very few cases, the parents have seen grateful to get those children back. The guilt they carry due to the heinous act of leaving the baby, has been prominent in each of those faces. The time and lost opportunity has been an important factor. Some has abandoned theirs as the time they has born , has been unfortunate. Later on when their situation has improved , they were unable to find and bring their baby back to home.

Still today's decision will help her a lot in her future ventures she is already planning to undertake. After all , not only Karn has dreamt to change the society, she too has dreamt that .... just in a different way.

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