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Before Panchali could end up offending the Queen of the Kingdom they are  being hosted by, Arjun drags her bodily back by saying

- Panchi , do not interfere into other kingdom's diplomatic affairs. This could be seen as an affront to her decision making as queen. 

- Affront ! Interfere! What do you mean? She is the person who saved my life and you wish me to keep silence when she is going to do something needlessly simply  for the love of her citizens !! Don't you think when her people will know they will flood her feet with tears instead of the blood that is currently painting them?

Devi Draupadi speaks  after a pause agitated

- Have you forgotten I am the woman who has married five men so an old widow could be spared from separation with her four children knowing very well the words that would be directed towards  me  even within our own social circle! And you think I will keep silent because of mere slights against my person?

Sensing  the conversation taking a different turn, Prince Arjun tries to cajole his wife by speaking with a mild tone

- She is your savior right ! You trusted her with your life at that moment then.  SO TRUST HER NOW. Have faith that she knows what is needed to be done and what not.

  Arjun keeps his arms around his wife to prevent her from doing something impulsive and follows Vrushali's hand-maidens and his mother for the other walk-way.


- I let go of her too soon.

Thinks Prince Arjun.

- Should have kept hold of her for a bit more. I truly underestimates her willfulness most of the times.

As soon as Draupadi reaches the opposite walkway and observes Angraaj with his stoic demeanor, she marches up to him and  pulls his arm forcefully to bring his attention onto her totally surprising her own husband as it is not norm for a married woman of upper society to touch males not belonging to their own family.

- Are you just going to stand and watch your wife in such distress? Is that what your morality dictates, ANGARAAJ?

Arjun notices with terror as his wife starts to exclaim in anger by digging her nails onto  Angraaj's arm which would have made him bleed if not for the prompt appearance of a part of his body armor to prevent those attacks. Draupadi continues berating him with her hands waving around in wild gestures and  with a glint of metal, the armor melts back to his skin leading  Arjun to relax. But to Arjun, it seems Angraaj would have welcomed the bleeding rather than facing this current situation. Arjun's wife may not observe but he senses the heart wrenching pain hiding behind his enemy's expression-less face. 

Karn does not pay any attention to Draupadi and continues to keep his sight trained on his wife on the other side. He too starts walking as soon as Vrushali starts.

- I trust my better half to know and do what is right and necessary for the welfare of our kingdom. As her soulmate it is my duty to support  her every endeavors no matter how much I seem to despise it. She is the power sustaining our soul while I am the mere matter holding that vivacity together so I  try to refrain from helping her unless she asks for it which she prefers.

 Vasu speaks with clenched teeth reigning in his anger.

- Does not  mean I have to like it.

 Procession proceeds at the same speed on both walkways. Though Vrushali' s face continues to remain indifferent, Karn's whole body flinches at each step as if he is the one walking over those glass-shards  not she........ the probability of which would  be  zero seeing as the impenetrable armor won't allow a single portion of his body to be harmed no matter how much he would welcome it right now.

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