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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

- Is there anyone from devi Vrushali's home present here now who can confirm the baby's birth?

- Yes , Sire. Her in-laws are present.

' Of course Radhama and baba will come. OH,GOD! What a disaster!! ' thinks Karna. Still he shoulders on.

- Then ask them to come forward for questioning.

Both of them come forward. Their faces look confident and stress- free unlike Angraaj who looks like a half-dead corpse.

- You both agree to the statement of your daughter-in-law about her child's birth.

- My daughter, Sire. In my house , I regard my son's wife my daughter. Yes , I agree. I helped my daughter deliver my grand-son.

'So she is supporting Vrushu . I ....expected that' thinks Karn.

- Your..... daughter wishes to embark on a journey with her new-born son alone. I ask you as her family, do you think she can bear such a responsibility alone? Care for her baby and provide for her? If so, please elaborate your thought process.

Vrushali's father Adhirath mohoday answers this time.

- Yes , King. We both believe she can. Our only son remains faraway home due to his work . She has been taking care of us and her parents since sixteen. She is a gifted charioteer and manages our horse-stables with associated businesses. She handles most of the care of our grand-children.She will  easily be able to provide  and care for her child.

- You do not fear who will care for you in her place?

- We believe in our daughter . She is not going to desert her parents even if she leaves her husband. Besides she would never separate her children from us or their father.

- OK. I have asked what I need to.

Karn takes a moment to himself. Though the decision has already been clear in his mind and he has discussed this with his courtiers, Vrushali has asked this public court for a reason. He has to try to not fail in supporting her in her mission.

- This situation is unique in a sense as I am going to give a verdict as KING and also going to follow the verdict as a husband. But before I announce my decision , I would request devi Vrushali to be seated at her throne she is the reigning QUEEN until the verdict passes.

Vrushali tries to understand the way her husband's mind is working. Still she takes her seat and awaits to hear Vasu speak.

- As the king, I have taken regard about what devi Vrushali's family has to say about her capabilities in raising a child alone. Before I can place a baby under someone's care, I have to be sure whether the person is capable of taking care of them emotionally and financially. Her family confirms to both of that. I would still ask her to provide the necessary papers regarding her business endeavors to be forwarded to the concerned authority. As soon as they are verified , she should have no problem of registering her child's name as her the sole parent. As for her wish of separation, that is between her and her husband. However considering her inputs that bring forward so much welfare to this kingdom , I would personally request her to consider keeping a seat in our court.

- Thank you, Sire,, for you generous consideration. I will be highly obliged to continue to serve Anga in any capacity. Perhaps a change in the name of position may be ...... seeing as I  have given advice previously  as your Queen.

Vrushali smiles a little and Karn smiles back -

- From today I am declaring devi Vrushali to be the minister for women and children welfare. Though there is no division like that, I think situation today regarding my own family suggests we need a place where anyone can come forth with such problems in our kingdom.And as I am led to believe by my courtiers , those decisions are used to be dealt unoffically by devi Vrushali though little of those has been informed to her. I hope from now on my citizens will be able to approach her regarding those problems . Today court ends here.

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