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The vicious snarls...the incessant bloodshed like a flowing river....sounds of ripping flesh....cries of his anujs'......


He is not being able to help them as if deities have him frozen at his place.He is trying to reach to them but people have him restrained.Someone is shouting for his help.....who.....???

OH GOD,Dushiiii!! Suddenly as if all restrains are released.He ran and ran and ran until he reaches.But....OHHHHH....GOD......NOOOOO......His eyes get closed off immediately in pain  horror.Screams are tearing out of his lungs..... a corpse....bloody lifeless corpse....no...no...not a corpse...all that is left is his anuj's ...his shadow's mauled body parts .....as if a rabid bear made a meal out of him....tore him open with his paws and teeth......

The face changes into an unknown one.Not exactly unknown but  despair in the haunted face is giving the known face an unknown horrid look....Lakshman....his son...... gone is his cheerful and innocent smile....instead what remains is  gloom and blankness..... 

Why did you do it , pitashree? we could have given them their kingdom back and we would be left alone happily. But you wished war and now  do you see how you have become the reason of your daughter's demise......just think how she has to bring his son up alone......

As if on cue  before his eyes , image of his daughter is being presented.Just like Kumara  his lively young daughter's cheerful look is no more. Her gravid body is slumped over the dead  unable to bear both the physical strain of carrying the young one and the mental anguish of losing her husband. One hand cradling the unborn babe in her stomach and other clutching her husband's lifeless corpse like a lost hope,  her mad cries are joining thousands if not more ladies sharing her fate.

The scene changes.......

He could see Vrushasena's valiant body lying in a pool of blood and hear  sister Vrushali's anguished cries.....he could see Vasusena's hands trying to reach his firstborn but....

- NO, Arya! Don't touch him.You're the cause of his death. You don't belong with us lowly sutas.... NOW DO YOU? You could have been happy with us .....could not you? BUT....NOOOOO....you just had to vow to stand by the prince always.....

- Vrushu...

-Stop!! JUST STOP  giving excuses.....Dury this ...Dury that . You have neither given me time nor have you spared some for  your son....but here he is! Lying in his blood because his father likes to fight wars he has no business tangling up with. It would not have happened if you did not have an unhealthy obssesion to stand by Prince Dury no matter what . Now look ! look at your son .....not golden and glowing anymore....his body  is ashen and black.Just like my heart, soul and my whole world.It would not have come to this if you just  remained a happy suta. You are not worthy of lighting his pyre. STAYYYY  BACCKKKKKK.

The pyre burns.......and  along with, it takes the mother's  sanity...and  turns a father's heart to stone .........

He can not breath anymore.He tries and tries.But he is not suceeding....the poisonous and hateful and cursed black air around is choking him .... choking him............

Yuvraaj gasps suddenly and his eyes open.

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