Savior II

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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

- Vrushali !! Vrushali!!

Panchali's thought process hinders again. A woman with a baby is earnestly calling for Vrushali devi.

- Malini? You are out of birthing room then?

- Yes have been back for a week. You have promised to name this little one remember !

- And name I will. But first fetch me some water. I am not holding a newborn with unhygienic hands.

She looks so wonderful with the child. Her tender and maternal demeanor suggests she must be used to in caring for children.So at least her guess could be somewhat right. Though she is not married to that man , she could have a husband and children of her own.

- Your baby is so happy and healthy. Look how he laughs ! So cute! It is as if he glows with the bright sun rays ! You should name him SURYA.

- Vrushali, to name him Surya! King himself is  an ardent worshipper of Sun-god. Are you sure we won't face his wrath?

- I am sure King will not be angry. As you have said he is a devotee of Sun-god. If anything , I assure you I will talk him around.

So she is powerful enough to have the King's ears. That's it, she is definitely a spy. Only those have multiple facets like her.King must have much trust in her information for her to have so much sway with him.  

She wonders how Angraaj's wife reacts to devi Vrushali. Not much things are known about Devi Padmavati except her name.That too is known because of the annual invitation letters which comes with Angraaj and her's name. Angraaj has always kept every news of his wife obscured by secrecy. She does not even join any of the royal festivals with Hastinapur royalties as would have been the norm for a vassal. Though  Anga is not a vassal anymore, Suyodhan has declared it independent long ago.

People do say she follows Suta customs and lives with Angraaj's parents. And she is exceptionally beautiful. That's all about it. But Panchali has never seen such ethereal but unusual beauty as devi Vrushali and she has met gorgeous women from different parts of Bharatvarsh. Devi Padmavati must be always in a dilemma whether to be jealous of her or for her. It is what she would have done in her position after all.

- Empress we are at the palace gates. 

Panchali gets down with Vrushali's help. Vrushali turns her attention on something rather someone. Panchali , interested to know what is drawing her goddess' attraction , finds a little boy with a slingshot and several stones attempting at a guava tree...... within the boundary of THE palace.

- DO you require assistance, putra?

The child turns his head and looks at her awed. Then pouts and says

- You cannot . I am trying for a long time. Not a single fruit has fallen. It is too far.

- Well give me those and let me try.

Panchali speaks out of worry for her rescuer

- Is that a good idea ? That is inside palace grounds after all.

Her goddess smiles cheekily and does not reply to her. She takes the slingshot from the boy and aims. The boy's lips curve into wide smile as the sound of something dropping reaches their ears.

- You want to guess how many?

- I do not know.

- I would say four. Can you count four?

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