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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

(Fight Scenes are all imaginary. DO NOT TRY IN REAL LIFE)

The last rays of noon has turned mild enough  to effect anyone and yet every part of the arena is being shined on. On one end devi Draupadi is standing with a sword flaming with her anger and her fiery eyes are currently tracing each movement of her opponent with a calculating gaze.

Her opponent in the other end is glowing like the rays falling over his sculpted features and making it hard to distinguish between him and the rashmis of sun.Truly he is the greatest devotee of sun for Aditya dev seems to be  favoring him always.

Swords start clashing with each other in a vigorous intensity. Their movements are so fast and  much spread all over the arena that only trained eyes could see what is really happening down there.

Prince Arjun has been peering into the arena over the balcony casually while holding a catora of ladoos in one hand. Looking at him one would say he is observing a play not a fight.

Vrushali has been a little late to the event. She has arrived just the moment her husband has avoided Panchali's blade slicing through his right causing her to laugh inwardly. May be not so much for she has missed her husband glaring up at her. After all the king is very much familiar with his queen's laugh. 

- Be careful Devi, seems like your husband is getting angry.

- My husband has never been not angry with me throughout our entire existence. Anger fuels our relationship, darling.

Arjun's cheeks try desperately to resemble a tomato. To divert, he offers his catora full of ladoos towards Vrushali

- Would you like some?

- Huh!

says Vrushali a little absentmindedly while observing the fight . She then takes one ladoo and faces her husband's rival

- I must admit I have not expected this kind of relaxed attitude from you Prince when your beloved is engaging in a duel downstairs.

- I think my beloved has proved to us and entire Aryavaart of her capability to protect herself well enough.

- That she has indeed.

- Only a little guidance this time, am I RIGHT Queen Padmavati?

- UGH, How did she find any time to tell you?

- She does not have to. She fights like someone has already told her all of the weak points of her opponent and how to approach those. And if I can understand that......

Arjun drawls

- Your soul-mate certainly does.

Vrushali does not do anything except raising one perfect eye-brow.



- Heard you are going to engage in a duel with my husband?

Vrushali enters into the armory like an earthquake. Draupadi tries to think of something to placate the irate wife but totally surprising her, Vrushali continues to spout

- It is customary to let a guest chose their weapon of favor. I do not have to put emphasis on exactly why you should not choose a bow.But I think you would do amazingly with a sword . Here, catch, this one!

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