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Though his inner soul is jumping like a little kid with joy, Suyo tries to rein it in and strides downstairs .... This time with proper attire befitting a royal ....

Vasu says with a little smile

- Your chariot awaits, MY  PRINCE .

- HA...HA....

Dury sits with ketu in his lap....the latter busy tangling Suyo's locks into own fingers and promptly putting them into mouth. The munchkin's father is busy meanwhile preparing to start the chariot.

The trio has set out on their journey stirring up dust in their way.

(evening at Anga Palace)

Even from afar Anga's swatantra pataka can be seen blowing proudly. Yes..... Anga has long lost his name from the list of  Hastinapur's VASSALS'. And what else was there  to do for his dear Digvijayi when said person conquers most of the lands and promptly lays all of those crowns at his Mitra's feet!!! Suyo has to practically strong arm him into making  ANGA indepedent.... a fact he is really satisfied with. Speaking of satisfaction........they have reached at the front of palace already.

In front of palace gate , Karn gets down and transfers the reins to his trusty stablehand. Then he follows him to the stable. Afterall there is only a few his mitr will trust with handling Vayujit even then he cannot help but care for Vayu himself. Ketu goes along as his love for Vayujit even rivals his father's.


A comforting voice interrupts his musings.... he feels the love and care even before he turns to face the person...... 

Said person in question is an etheral beauty, her bright aura lighting up the evening just like her other half. Dark traces flowing over powerful back reaching narrow and supple waist, strong athletic body from hardworking for family and citizen both, obsidian affectionate eyes, lips lifting up in a generous smile. Words are not enough to describe her captivating and magnetic charm..... a true match for her soulmate... DEVI VRUSHALI. Bare feet with silver toe-rings in each second toe, plain pale orange dhoti fitted at waist ,thin gold waist-chain rested just below her navel,  transparent angvastram covering her dark orange breastcloth and middle section secured in a knot at one side casually . A single gold chain  is adorning long graceful neck and little tear-drop ear-rings  her ears. The only cosmetic used in her face is an artfully drawn tika of sun symbol just like her husband. Yet this simple attire , minimal jewellery and almost zero make-up  fails to hide her beauty and charm.

- Vrushali di, I have grown past the age of prime and yet I am still little prince to you.

Complains Suyo a little but bends to touch her feet for blessings.

- all of your praja who rejoiced your are still a little prince to them.

Says the lady with a little smirk.

- Anga is famous throughout Aryavaart for his hosting and welcoming skills Vrushu... yet I do not see any of that arranged here for your most esteemed guest.

Vasu comes and stands behind Suyo with Ketu in his arms.

- Yes Vasu..... I do welcome GUESTS .....guests not family.... for family,my eyes are always trained on gate awaiting  .

Vrushali puts her hand on Suyo's head caressing and petting his hair dishevelling it entirely  like one might do with their children and indicates him to get up. Coming to Vrushali di, SUYO always feels like he is with his mother or may be a older sister. Having grown up as eldest, he relishes this .

- And eveyone knows how close Yuvraaj is to your heart. I do not see any difference between him coming here and Vrushasena coming home.

-  he is sixteen Vrushu di.

- EXACTLY..... just about same as your mental age little prince.

Replies Vrushali cheekily.

- At this rate, you might as well compare me to Ketu.

Grumbles SUYO.

- No.... I preserve that comparison for Vasu.

Replies Vrushali sending a mischevious look at her husband. Mitr stays silent enjoying his wife's happiness and letting her voice washing over his sadness from missing her presence. He loves the banter  between his mitr and sister. Seldom has he seen such open-minded and free-spirited relationship between husband and wife ..... fact that astounds him most is Vrushu di calling her husband by name.

- that is because we are childhood friends and I am six months older than Vasu. Through our long marital life ...all lines between friends, lovers, partners and parents have blurred....but first and foremost that always remains  he will always be my first and best friend....which place you have managed to stole by the way.

Says Vrushali fake accusingly.

- OH MY GOD.... Vrushali di you also have gained mitr's ability of knowing my thoughts.

-  You have voiced this question so many times at the first few of our meetings that I could always read the question in your face even if you remain silent. SO NO.... I have not gained your friend's uncanny ability of hearing your thoughts from your mind. One might say you have been related at previous birth.

Vrushali takes Ketu and Karn follows her dutifully inside. After a second, she hollers from inside

- Come fast Yuvraaj if you want to relish your favourite dishes hot.

But Suyo's feet are frozen to the spot with Vrushali di's last words still ringing in his mind



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