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(Note : Whatever laws or cultures are mentioned here are written for the sake of the story-line. Whatever similarity it has or does not have with reality, is completely coincidental)

- QUEEN, KING , permission to enter.

- ARUN!?

- Urgent message hence my sudden appearance. Empress Gandhari with Queen mother Kunti wishes to visit Anga before leaving for their annual Shiv pujan . They have planned to take the path through here.

- They have never done that before.Why this time?

- Well Empress has expressed her wish to visit her sons and extended an invitation to Rajmata Kunti. Queen mother did not say no.

This sentence after a long time breaks Suyo's stupor.

- I am going to sleep.

Declares Suyo and vanishes with the speed of a lightening.

- What happened to him?

Karn wonders.

- Sire, there's more .

- There's still more?

- Empress Draupadi and Prince Arjun are also accompanying him.

Vasu and Vrishali looked at each other. Their minds are whirling with endless possibilities that can make the visit go wrong.

- How long this visit is gonna be?

- Sire at least a week long before they set forth on a journey for the temple.

A day would have been risky, a week .... a week is a recipe for disaster. But Vasu can never deny mata Gandhari. But it would be unwise to appear anything other than cordial to rest of their unusual and unwanted guests. All of them have a duty to uphold the peace treaty. Most probably the reason why others are accompanying mata Gandhari without complaints.

- Well how soon we are expecting them ?

- May be tomorrow or the day after.

- Well let us make arrangements for our esteemed guests and hope for the best.

Says Vrushali, always the level headed. Karn nodded. Arun left swiftly not wishing to disrupt their rest anymore . They are not likely to receive much in upcoming days.


- what would you have done really ?

- About what?

- If I have children from another woman ?

- You have that already.

- That is an exception and you know it. You loved Supriya. You are the who called her Priye remember. You were devastated at her death and blamed me for that even though it was her choice to carry the child despite the risks to her deteriorating health. You named her son after her, SUSHENA.

- I love priye . She resides in my heart. I did not want to lose her. I hoped you would be able to persuade her from this death wish!!

- If you and Bhanu can not move her heart, what makes you think I could have?

Karn gives her a mournful smile. He speaks after a pause

- I am not talking about this rather a ......umm........

- one time encounter ?

Vrushali bursts into laughter.

- Sure , you would. You are unable to utter the words you claim to want to engage in . I would really like to hear about the way you are going to speak to the person you cajole into having a illicit tryst.

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