Chapter 2: A Wild Pikachu Appeared

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"That turns out well," Tamara said as she left the student council room.

She looked at her schedule and proceeded to find her homeroom class. There are no students around the school halls anymore since it's already 7:55 am. Classes start at 8:30, but students should be inside the classroom already at 8:00 am.

"Damn, why are the halls in this school so long?!" she complained, finally realizing the cons of having a large school to attend.

Minutes have passed but still, she can't find her classroom. She wished that she had asked Yumeko and Ryota to wait for her. She's a new student in this academy after all.

Suddenly, she bumps into someone in which a loud sound of chinawares getting broken as they fell to the ground echoes across the whole area. Tamara turned her head and found a girl with long blonde hair styled into two ponytails now kneeling in front of her, grunting as she pick up the broken pieces of chinawares one by one. She noticebly wears a tag on her neck and only wears the school's white shirt that is folded into 3/4, unlike the other students who wear a red coat over it.

"Sorry!" Tamara apologized to the girl and kneeled in front of her. "I didn't see you there."

"Now that will just add up to your sinking debt!"

"Good luck paying for those expensive chinawares, and your debt too!"

"Stupid Mitten!"

Tamara raised her head only to find three girls laughing behind the blonde girl. She gives death glares to every single one of them. Shivers run down their spines as she gives them death glare one by one. Her death glare is so terrifying and can send anyone who wants to mess or argue with her either running away from fear or getting silenced on the spot. Without a single word, the three girls immediately leave out of fear.

"Good for nothing bullies. Who do they think they are?" Tamara commented as she turned her head back onto the broken chinawares on the floor. "Uhm no offense but do you really want to pick up those pieces with your bare hands?" she asked the blonde-haired girl who's picking up the broken chinaware pieces and putting them into a tray. "You're gonna hurt and cut yourself by doing that."


Tamara narrowed her eyes to the blonde-haired girl. "What did you just say?" she asked. She wanted to confirm if she heard it correctly or not.

"I said bitch!" the blonde girl shouted. She slammed the tray and looked at her. "This is all your fault!"

Tamara shakes her head due to the blonde girl's behavior. "You know what? You should've been more careful since you are carrying those chinawares! It is clearly your fault but I still tried to help you anyway! Heck, I even defended you from those bullies and you had the audacity to call me a bitch?!" she said.

"I don't need your help! Leave me alone!" the blonde girl shouted.

"Fine! You go hurt yourself picking those pieces one by one!" Tamara told her and stood up. She took a flask that says 'FUCK MY LIVER' from the inside pocket of her coat. She opened it up and took a sip from it. "Ahh. At least I have this!" she smiled and put it back into her inside pocket.

The blonde sighed out of relief after the new girl left. It quickly vanished after she saw her returning and getting into her sight again. This time, the new student is now carrying a broom and a dustpan as she approaches her.

"I told you to leave me alone!" the blonde girl yelled.

"What? You really expect me to leave you here and hurt yourself?" Tamara asked her and starts to sweep the pieces of broken chinawares on the floor. Turns out that it is the cafeteria where the blonde girl is heading and it was just close by. She searches the area and finds where the cleaning storage room is. "Well, how unfortunate for you to bump into a kind-hearted person like me!"

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