Chapter 49: How Far Will You Go To Avenge The People You Love?

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"Come on, officers. I've told you I am innocent," for the hundredth time, Tamara insisted to the cops. "Can you just let me go find my stolen cards and call it a night?"

"I'm afraid we can't," Inspector Megure told her. "You are a suspect. You'll stay here until we find the culprit."

"For how long?" Tamara asked in a bored tone.

"Until we find the culprit," Inspector Megure repeated.

"Ugh," Tamara groaned and put a palm on her face. She then took a cigarette from her cigarette container and lit it up.

"Care to light mine up?" the front desk woman from earlier suddenly approached her with a cigarette on her lips. Tamara just sighs and proceeds to light up the front desk woman's cigarette with her lighter.

"Sorry about earlier," she apologized. "It's been a rough day."

Tamara rolled her eyes in return. She's still pissed off at her because of what she did to her earlier.


The investigation goes on with Kogoro accusing every single suspect of the murder of the Hida Finances President until the investigators clear things out.

"Unfortunately, we had not found traces of cyanide anywhere except the bills, the victim's right thumb, the inside door knob, and the lock on top of it," Takagi reported.

"The traces of cyanide found on the doorknob and its lock are shaped like the victim's fingerprint, which means that the victim touched the door knob with the cyanide already on his thumb."

"But where could they possibly get the poison?" Kogoro muttered and looked around for the possible locations where the killer put the cyanide.

Tamara stared at the three suspects before sneaking out to go to the office bathroom where she saw Conan and Ran looking around. The two were startled by her presence.

"Tamara-san?" Ran called her. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you two doing here?" Tamara asked them back.

"I'm just helping Conan find something to solve the case," Ran replied.

"I see," Tamara muttered and watched the two with interest in her eyes. "Would you mind me helping you?"

Conan and Ran looked at each other in uncertainty. They know Tamara is a suspect and they are unwary to trust her.

"C'mon, you're not suspecting me, aren't you?" Tamara laughed and put her hands in her pocket.


"I already have someone in mind," Tamara added. "I just need to confirm it."

"I see..." Ran said and looked at Conan. "We can trust her, Conan."

Conan nodded. "Tamara-san, can you open the cabinet on top?"

"Sure," Tamara smiled at him and opened the cabinet.

"Is there something odd there?" Conan asked. "Anything that is out of position?"

"Lemme see," Tamara replied and scanned the shelves and looked for something that looked odd. A few minutes later, she picked up a bottle of bleach and gave it to Conan. "Here."

"The spill-off looks fresh," Conan noted as he scanned the bleach handed to him. "Which means..."

"...the killer used it to get rid of the evidence," Tamara finished Conan's sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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