Chapter 22: What The Fuck Are You Doing in my House?

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[Did you do what I told you?]

The accomplice is Jun Kiwatari's former friend. The lackey who got his leg injured by Tamara. He drinks the whiskey in front of him before answering his employer on the other line.

"Hell yes," he answered. "I've switched the Student Council Secretary's contact papers about her research about that bitch with the one with her former landlady's contact on it."

"The lapdog thinks she's a fucking serial killer now and must be thinking about how she can get rid of her."

[And Tamara?]

The lackey hold the whiskey glass tight as the mysterious figure mentioned the girl's real name.

"The bitch's getting paranoid every day ever since I sent her that text message," he reported. "She's paranoid that she starts having flashbacks about his past again and even did a fighting stance when Jabami startled her."

"Last time I followed them, she walked Jabami to the bus stop and they are talking about their sisters?" he asked. "Should we harm her sister too?"

Based on what he had heard from stalking Tamara and Yumeko, they both have sisters and that Tamara's sister didn't know she's studying in Japan. If only his employer can tell him about Tamara's sister in Japan, he would definitely hurt them. Based on what his employer had told him about Tamara's family in America, he's quite sure it would destroy her if he does anything to her sister here in Japan.

[No. Not yet]

[I'll take care of that in the future but right now, just keep following her and make the Secretary think that she's a threat to the Academy.]

[Once we've pushed the Secretary too far, she'll make a move against those she considered a threat to the Academy and her beloved President.]

[And when that day comes, we'll destroy them all in a single move.]

The lackey smiled widely after his employer told him that. He's greatly thankful that his employer personally approaches him and offered to work with him in order to destroy the girl who ruined his life as well as the whole Student Council.

He smirked as he drinks all of the whiskey left in his glass. He happily lays back on his bed and Reminisces how he met the mysterious person he's working with.

"Hey, Pochi!"

The boy was hit by an empty soda can in his face when he tried to look at the person who was calling him. He loses his balance and stumbles into the ground. Voices of his fellow students laughing loudly echo around him.

"Lame bastard. Throw that in the trash can before you leave, alright?" the bully laughed. He stomped him on his back before he left. "Fucking pochi, can't even stand and walk straight as a normal person does! Hahahaha!" he laughed again with his friends as they walked away.

The boy gets the empty soda can before standing up with the help of his cane. He cursed to himself and looked at the Academy for the last time then left. Ever since he became the lowest 100, this become his new normal life in school.

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