Chapter Three

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Time seemed to slow completely as Daphne entered the room. Her elegance and grace was admirable. She did not trip, nor did she falter. She was perfectly perfect. Loren beamed with joy as the eldest Bridgerton sister reached the alter. Daphne curtsied before her Majesty, as majestic as ever. The Queen rose from her golden throne, approaching the young lady. Loren's anxiety clawed at her as the Queen examined Daphne. The girl had been preparing for this her whole life. She wanted to enter society with a good reputation and she wished very much for a love match, similar to the match her Mama and Pa had formed. 

A smile graced the Queen's face as she spoke, "Flawless, my dear."

Loren beamed with pride. She couldn't be happier for the girl, who was doing her best to hide her excitement. Anthony leaned forward to whisper to the woman, "You were right, she is flawless." Loren glanced back at him, to see that he too held a smile on his face. She knew that he was proud of Daph, even if he didn't want to show it. Loren turned her attention back to Daphne and Violet, who were now being dismissed by the Queen. 

"Did that truly just happen?" Daphne whispered to her mother. Violet responded in a hushed tone, "Just keep smiling, dearest. They are watching you, now more than ever."


It has been said that, "Of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine. If that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth. My name is Lady Whistledown. You do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall. But be forewarned, dear reader, I certainly know you.

Once returning home, the Bridgertons resumed their day as normal. The ladies of the Bridgerton family had followed Daphne to her chambers to discuss the events of this morning. Benedict was occupied with his art, Colin and Gregory were off doing God knows what, leaving Loren all alone. She had desperately wished to spend time with Anthony, but he had excused himself the moment the family had arrived home, claiming he had business to attend to in town. He had left quickly, so whatever it was had to be urgent. 

Loren was quite tempted to go into town herself, and do some snooping, but she knew that Anthony would have her head if he knew she went out in search for him alone. So the young woman resorted to joining the girls upstairs. Upon reaching the door, she knocked twice, just to be polite. Violet was the one to answer, "Oh Loren! Come in, come in, we are just admiring Daphne's new dresses." 

Loren entered the room to catch a look at the gorgeous gowns, "That one is quite ravishing." She said, pointing at a pale pink gown. Violet nodded, "Mary Edgecombe wore a similar shade last season. And secured three offers the very next day, one from an earl." At this statement, Eloise piped up, "Mary Edgecombe, now the Countess of Fulton, apparently spent the last year living in a cottage hundreds of miles away from her earl. She is miserable. It says it all here." She stated, waving a pamphlet. 

Violet sighed, "Do not tell me that is yet another scandal sheet, Eloise." Loren approached Eloise, taking the pamphlet from her. Her vibrant blue eyes scanned the sheet, shocked at the writing before her. "No, no, this is different. This lists subjects by name, in full." The ladies suddenly crowded around the two girls, "Let me see!" Hyacinth whined as Daphne snatched the pamphlet from Loren's delicate hands. 

"Lady Whistledown?" 

"The author," Eloise informed. "Do we know a Lady Whistledown?" Violet questioned. Loren shook her head, "Surely 'Lady Whistledown' cannot be her real name." "What does it say dearest?" Violet asked curiously. "She loathes the fact that we've been named alphabetically, oldest to youngest." Daphne read, a disgusted look on her face. Violet shrugged, "Your father and I thought it was orderly." "It also says that she finds Loren to be a hidden beauty, yet to enter the season. She has a whole paragraph about her history and how she could be this season's diamond if she made her debut." Daphne stated. Loren scoffed, "It seems as though Lady Whistledown does not know how old I am." For some strange reason, the ton liked to believe that Loren was indeed a young flower, when in reality the woman was twenty-eight, just two years younger than the eldest Bridgerton. Violet glanced at Loren, her expression softening, "Well, she was right about being a hidden beauty." Loren blushed at Violet's comment. Eloise spoke up as Violet began reading the sheet silently over Daphne's shoulder. "The papers were distributed across town today without charge." Loren quirked a brow, "Without charge? What kind of author is this Lady Whistledown?"

"Who knows dear. But Lady Whistledown has one thing right. She has named Daphne as the season's Incomparable. She calls you a 'Diamond of the first water.' How lovely!" While the girls congratulated Daphne, Loren was deep in thought. How did this woman, or man, know so much about everyone? Lady Whistledown knew all about Loren's past, and how her Mother had shown up at the Bridgerton household just an hour before her death. How would she have known?

Only one thought remained; who was Lady Whistledown?

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