Chapter 10

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Sarah, Sam, Tony, Lyndda,  and Lynor

Tony stared at the couple in shock and asked "How did you get here? I thought we were the only ones that got stuck here...BUT by logic, If the three us can get stuck here, then other people can too.."

        As his mind was blown, Sarah walked up to them and asked "How long have you been here? Why haven't you found a way out yet? How did you survive?"

     Lyndda smiled and said "I would appreciate it if we could have this conversation inside...some of the civilians aren't very fond of humans. Also you need a mask when you go outside. The black smoke is very harmful when you inhale it. How long have you been without a mask?"

       Sam reluctantly  replied "We've been here for at least an hour without a mask. Where did this smoke come from?"

      Lynor snorted and said "lets have this conversation at the house." He began walking away from the group and Lyndda ushered the group to follow him. Tony started to look around the town and see that they were surrounded by black smoke.

        After what seemed like an eternity, they came to stop in front of what seemed like a square shape dome. Lynor turned to the group and said "Welcome to my home! It is not much but it is enough for the daily necessities." As the group walked in, the first smell is a foul stench. It smelled like burnt tires. The first room had one couch and a small square wooden table. The room was made of dark brown wood. It felt hot and damp at the same time.

        Lyndda turned on what looks like a ball of light. She said "It is a Blac Bu, the light automatically comes on through touch. It is powered by the the black smoke. The Blac Bu absorbs the black smoke particles and forms a small light for 4 hours. It needs to be recharged every 4 hours. This doesn't light up the whole room, but it does give me enough light. BUT let's get down to the smokey smok...How did you get here? Or more like where did you come in to get to this world?"

        Sarah gave the group a questionable look and asked "what is smokey smok"?

       Tony interrupted her and said "we came in through a forest, it looked mystical like it could be made of magic".

      Lyndda interrupted him and quickly said "the Blue Forest, it must be it. That is the only place before Apullu Town. What else?"

      Tony gave her the side eye and muttered "we saw signs of towns to go to so we walked here and...."

      Lyndda excitedly said "that's when you went to the bar and met us afterwards. Well keep going."

     Tony glowered at Lyndda and sarcastically asked "I'll just let you tell my story to the group".

     Sarah nudged him and kindly said "don't mind my friend here, he is just kidding...well keep going Tony!"

       Tony took a deep breath and said "we have told you all of our information but got nothing in return..What is this place? Is it another world or dimension? Are the people here ...HUMANS?"

      Lynor gave a serious look at him and said "This is Clashings. It's similar, but different to our earth. We have humans as our main species on earth but on Clashings, we have different species as well as different races within those species. The rulers and the founding families are at the top of the hierarchy, while the humans are at the absolute bottom. The middle of the hierarchy is mostly small nameless families from the different towns. Don't get on The Rulers bad side, they will terrorize and dehumanize you to the point that you feel like killing yourself. Don't ever get near The Rulers or the top families. They will automatically know that you are human. You are as good as dead once that happens."

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